Example sentences of "[adj] i [verb] we " in BNC.

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31 yo for a start you need those two , th these end two you need bli you need blinds on because you ca n't utilize the screen in the summer without these I mean we got , we got blinds for all those windows , I mean
32 Right good I think we 've done it now .
33 I know we had some we did n't use it all I know we did n't .
34 For the purposes of the tape I think er we ought to explain that our management meetings are always run on very serious lines with no , no jokes allowed , er first of all I think we should just place on the record that this meeting is being taped everybody recognises that , and the purposes are for to analyse everybody 's linguistic ability and later on Tracy 's going to recite her piece her presentation for the purpose of the tape .
35 First of all I think we have worked out the importance of establishing a very good relationship with the media and that 's developing and that means that , that the views of the trade union movement are beginning to be heard , er , when we , when we spoke to the editor of the local paper for example , we pointed out that on the business page there 's nothing about trade unions and did he think that business er existed without er on , just on one side .
36 All I reckon we can do is be grateful for the good service , as you say Tim , and get on with what 's left — and that is quite a lot .
37 In all I expect we were about a dozen strong before taking departure for Malta from a point to the South of the Balearics .
38 Yes if we could buy a thousand I think we 'd have a thousand of them .
39 Now as it approaches the witching hour of um the witching hour of ten to ten I suggest we all go and run about a little bit for for ten minutes and I 'll do something about some of the emotional effects and some of the therapies in the next hour for all those who 're interested hello tape recorder , there 'll be another hour in a minute .
40 As far as the wording of the actual policy itself is concerned I think we would er certainly prefer er wording on the lines of strict control , in other words quoting er P P G rather than the not normally permitted approach .
41 That 's all I want to say on the principle erm of the criteria , as far as the detailed content erm er is concerned I suspect we could talk all day about whether social should replace affordable in one of the criteria , or whether the full stop is in the right place er in another one .
42 Only those I feel we can trust to keep it under wraps have been contacted . ’
43 But first I think we should phone Azadi himself and tell him in no uncertain terms that we are as unhappy about this as he is .
44 I 'm not quite sure yet cos we 're this chicken and egg which starts first I think we 're gon na look at a an an interim type report in year nine a quicker type report I ca n't remember what it 's , it 's written down in my other diary because what I do n't want to happen is to , people to have a onerous report at the end of year nine , cos they 're gon na have to do a report there now
45 Well well I can say it now really four have taken the R S A one exam , and and did very well though very nervous but er er and but they sat there and they did it which was superb I mean we were as nervous as they were sitting in here .
46 And it will be eleven before the service is finished , so the earliest I think we should
47 Er the reason we wan na get it right is because er this Superintendent , erm he 's obviously got his interests very much on it , and he 's he 's keen to know what our response is going to be , and if it were just a member of the public I think we could we could being crude I think we could fob 'em off , but I think it 's gon na have to be a very structured answer as to why we 're not gon na do it .
48 The best I think we can say about our scheme is something that Brian Barry argues .
49 It 's always very nice I wish we could come more often .
50 There 's a huge I know we keep saying it , but , it really is his greatest virtue .
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