Example sentences of "[adj] have [been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This unique Number 4850158 has been selected especially for you in the latest by invitation-only Hospital Plan Cash Match Prize Draw .
2 A woman in her thirties has been found dead at her home after a man walked into a police station and said he wanted to talk to detectives .
3 The research programme , for which 730,000 has been allocated , is being funded largely by the ESRC , with contributions from both the Home Office and DHSS .
4 As much of the original structure as possible has been retained , with the Crypt being used as a very pleasant snack bar , and the old Cloisters for exhibitions and displays .
5 If you know that he is righteous you will know that everything everyone who does what is right has been born of him .
6 May 20–26 has been designated ‘ One World ’ week by 18 national TV stations : it kicks off with a German production , The World In Our Hands , which highlights global issues from pollution to Third World debt , and ends with One World , One Voice , a two-hour musical chain letter masterminded by Kevin Godley and featuring 150 international musicians .
7 Figure 2.4 has been drawn to show that , as the partial remainder is shifted left , the vacated positions can be used to hold the bits of the quotient .
8 It is a tradition , and since 1911 the Indianapolis 500 has been rooted in American patriotism .
9 ‘ Your appeal against the above offer of permanent accommodation made available to you on 12-9-91 has been considered carefully but I regret to inform you that the appeal has not been allowed and you should sign for the tenancy at the local housing office by 2-12-91 .
10 The Science Vote for 1992–93 has been divided as follows ( £m ) :
11 But little has been done .
12 Although we have a clearer picture than we did of long-term changes in demography and household structure , little has been done to fill out the picture in terms of living experience .
13 Surprisingly little has been done on identifying the needs of managers .
14 Unfortunately , apart from the papers quoted above , little has been done to distinguish immature from adult digestive processes .
15 Much has been written on the larger species of mammalian predator and their importance as bone accumulators , but little has been done on predators of small mammals .
16 Little has been done by countries to implement the code and industry 's feathers remain ruffled .
17 However , little has been done to highlight their attractions for big plcs .
18 In two decades remarkably little has been done to alleviate the conditions of some of the poorest city citizens , who personified the unacceptable face of the urban crisis , even if the terms of the debate itself have changed dramatically .
19 But still very little has been done : only medieval Lincoln and modern Brighton have had some attention recently .
20 Most of this increase stems directly from government policies and , although some extra resources have been allocated for 1990/91 and 1991/92 , little has been done to remedy the situation .
21 Little has been done on the ecology of deep-sea species apart from observations on certain conspicuous species such as Ophiomusium lymani in the course of more general studies ( Barham et al.
22 Work has been done on contamination of fish and water and air , but little has been done to study it 's effect on the human population .
23 I am dismayed that so little has been done to decentralise , when so many other EC countries have clearly felt the benefits , both economic and political , of taking the decentralised route .
24 Painfully little has been done specifically to tackle car crime , which is a major aspect of youth crime .
25 However , although the UK government and others have a variety of policies designed to encourage and stimulate innovation , rather little has been done to assess the effectiveness of these measures , or to consider them in a broader context of structural change and adjustment in a mature industrial economy .
26 In Britain , archaeology has thrown a great deal of light on the Dark Ages : but British students , when they turn to the ninth-century Continent , are in for a disappointment , for relatively little has been done .
27 Very little has been said about the boom in modern prints .
28 Whilst a number of writers have commented upon his contributions to debates upon current policy problems , little has been said about the theoretical basis of these contributions .
29 WHILST much has been said about the abilities of the players , the coaches , the referees , the managers etc , little has been said about the standards of journalism .
30 Very little has been said about what actually happens or , at least , there are still few readily available accounts of school evaluations conducted by teachers .
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