Example sentences of "[adj] have [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 And while the proportion of those people who would recommend a young couple with a steady job to buy as soon as possible has fallen from 78 per cent in 1989 , the latest survey shows 70 per cent would still offer this advice .
2 Wexford was reminded of a butterfly , fresh and lusty , that has escaped from a dried chrysalis .
3 But all that has emerged from Whitehall so far is rumours of interdepartmental conflict over the report .
4 And that has to come from the people involved in the game at the top , those who shape the future and direction of the sport .
5 That has come from the family . ’
6 I think that 's that absolutely horrific and that has come from one of the practice partners and not the actual himself .
7 In Sweden the native ( albeit primitive ) Swedish Polled has dropped from a quarter of a million milking cows in the 1950s to perhaps 2,500 today , pushed out by imported Friesians and by the amalgamated Swedish Red-and-White , while the national dairy herd as a whole has dropped from 1.6 million cows in 1950 to about 576,000 in the 1980s , though the average milk yield per cow has doubled .
8 In part it would appear that this has arisen from a tendency to see questions of housing and home life as matters of individual and privatised choice , to be set aside from the mainstream of political life where employment is the crucial issue .
9 An unusual opportunity to do this has arisen from the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative , which has gathered information in precisely this form .
10 This has increased from 7 per cent of the workforce in 1929 to 19 per cent in 1980 in the United States .
11 This has moved from its beginning as a Presbyterian College to a major seat of learning .
12 This has emerged from briefings by the West German Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , to members of the German Bundestag about his visit to Moscow earlier this week .
13 This has emerged from briefings by the West German Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , to members of the German Bundestag about his visit to Moscow earlier this week .
14 Part of this has come from an influx of retired people , and it has therefore accentuated the already very unbalanced age composition of the population resulting from the emigration of the younger people .
15 ‘ It has touched me deeply that much of this has come from those of you who have troubles of your own . ’
16 It has touched me deeply , but much of this has come from those of you who have troubles of your own .
17 The Museum is a registered Charity with no public funding and Mick Miller , Finance Trustee , said : ‘ This sponsorship is a very generous gesture and we are delighted that this has come from an enterprising local company which has pledged support for our activities for the next three years . ’
18 The designation of zones has certainly encouraged development , but this has varied from region to region .
19 This has transpired from the fact that employees are alleged to be endangering their workmates ’ health by smoking .
20 This has ranged from posts being created without manpower approval to trusts inventing their own titles for grades , which results in grave confusion not only from a manpower perspective but also because different titles may imply competence not possessed by the post holder .
21 This has ranged from a weekly average of just 3.7 complaints in Crook to an even more meagre 2.3 in Chester-le-Street .
22 This has resulted from the recognition
23 Several concessions have also been made in relation to capital gains tax : the amount of gain allowed tax free has risen from £1,000 a year to £5,000 a year and this allowance now applies to all gains , not just small gains as was formerly the case .
24 The first woman controller of Radio 2 has risen from the BBC typing pool , where she started 32 years ago .
25 And yet another has emerged from the ranks !
26 It is also the case that the great majority of students entering advanced courses in art and design have come from foundation courses , a few having come from school with GCE A level passes in art .
27 A symbol of the less controllable results of technology , the Holme Post , a cast-iron column believed by some to have come from the Crystal Palace , was sunk into the ground near Whittlesey , to measure peat shrinkage .
28 This had developed from a side-interest of the original Weetman Pearson ( Lord Cowdray ) , a civil engineer and Liberal activist before and after the First World War .
29 This had existed from 1919 to 1934 , when it had been incorporated into the new Chechen-Ingush ASSR .
30 Although the United States accepted the case for the dollar eventually being convertible into SDRs , in its view this had to result from the dollar being sufficiently competitive to generate enough capital and current account surpluses over a period to make convertibility a reality .
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