Example sentences of "[adj] have [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nurses tell me little has changed with staffing levels .
2 I suspect that has to do with having a basis on which to talk .
3 Some of that has to do with the guitar — we need material which is set up more for the guitar . ’
4 ‘ I see not what that has to do with Joan , ’ Richard said airily .
5 ‘ I do n't see what that has to do with this prison . ’
6 ‘ And I do n't see what that has to do with the problem in hand . ’
7 However , with semen import restrictions off and markets opened up , that has changed with a vengeance .
8 That has changed with a new 1.5-litre 114bhp turbo-charged model for £10,999 .
9 ‘ After the Sender of Eight has finished with your friend . ’
10 In short , what this has to do with modern poetry is very clear ; what it has to do with modern criticism is not clear at all , since that criticism has , as we have seen , no vocabulary for dealing with it , and moves further and further from finding such a vocabulary , the more it takes its lead from linguisticians like Saussure and Jakobson .
11 Most of this has to do with Veronica Lake 's deep , husky voice : a smoky spirit whose name and form collectively conjured up a feminine aura of water , vapour , air , smoke and flesh at the same time ; a floating dreamboat that any boy of six would be proud to be married to .
12 ‘ Anyway , I hardly see what this has to do with me . ’
13 Maybe it 's not easy to see what all this has to do with cancer , but you must bear with me if I tell you that it has .
14 ‘ I think all of this has to do with reputation , and because he is Vinnie Jones .
15 Maybe he 's annoyed because he ca n't quite figure what all this has to do with what the programme describes as ‘ the cyberspace experience ’ , maybe it 's because a minute ago he was nearly run over by a 30-foot-high mutoid metal minotaur , but he looks about ready to chin someone .
16 I do n't see what this has to do with my daughter . ’
17 This has to do with the way in which network membership involves possession of the social skills and reciprocal relationships which that membership entails .
18 There is no conception in Adorno of listeners coproducing musical meaning directly , at the moment of creation ; clearly this has to do with his undervaluing of performance and overvaluing of the written score , as well as with the centrality in his thinking of a relatively narrow , homogeneous musical culture , in which variations in musical interpretation were not significant .
19 Part of this has to do with the lack of systematic training to which we have already referred .
20 ‘ I suppose this has to do with Hilary . ’
21 This has to do with the relational quality of deixis .
22 ‘ Look , I do n't see what this has to do with me and Maria Luisa .
23 This has met with considerable resistance from the staff who have pointed out that the smoking restrictions at Chesser House are merely a voluntary agreement and are not Council policy in the same way as restrictions at Regional Headquarters and Regional Chambers .
24 The gradual perception of this has gone with the still more necessary shift by which people have at last gradually begun to realise that human welfare too converges very considerably with both these things .
25 While this has coincided with a revival of interest in opera among the ‘ chattering classes ’ , I 'm not at all sure that it means a lot to the average person , except , simply , as dramatic music .
26 This has combined with a poor record on coalition building and activist management , a public perception of lesbian and gay politics as party political and a preserve of the Left , and a high level of internalised oppression expressed as apathy .
27 His chance to do this has come with the microwave report , but he has decided to put the interests of microwave manufacturers first .
28 And all this has happened with costs going down rather than up .
29 This has occurred with football violence , broadcasting , ‘ green ’ issues , schools , and the universities .
30 Gradually the old has merged with the new and the grandchildren of the ‘ young couples ’ who moved into the ‘ new ’ houses are now becoming the second generation to attend Keyingham school .
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