Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb -s] n't " in BNC.

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1 If the horse is not provoked into bucking or rearing , it is likely to give up such a habit if the rider remains calm and does n't fall off .
2 The proofed nylon flysheet is totally waterproof and does n't leak around the seams .
3 Now when that acid is fresh and has n't been used before two minutes is usually quite enough for it to have done the job it 's supposed to do .
4 Steering on the Same is direct and does n't involve too much effort — as long as you are unballasted .
5 The lid is naturally oily and does n't need extra lubrication .
6 The negligence aspect of it , if somebody is negligent and does n't , for example , keep the engine oil topped up and they drive their vehicle until the engine seizes , in fairness it 's not the insurance company 's responsibility to put that right if the customer has been negligent , and I do n't think any reasonable person would ask us to do that in that situation .
7 As I told you , I did n't particularly take in her plans for the weekend , you know how one does n't , one just asks to be civil and does n't listen properly to the answer . ’
8 ‘ Jane 's 22 and Grant a bit older but she 's very intense and tries to force a commitment , while he 's very airy-fairy and does n't want to think about the future .
9 He is deeply insecure and does n't expect love , never having received it before , yet he deals with Miranda 's death so matter-of-factly , hardly seeming upset at all , that he ca n't have cared for her very much as an individual , which is not surprising as he really does n't know her at all well .
10 I lead a reasonable existence with cheerful and friendly companions , but I always have the feeling that it is n't real and does n't matter , although I 'm very aware of everything around me .
11 It does n't make you odd and does n't mean that you never will .
12 Her advice is for women on driver-only buses to sit near the driver , a request that is n't always possible and does n't necessarily increase your feeling of security .
13 These limitations ensure that the army is reasonably representative and does n't consist entirely of heroes , big monsters , or war machines .
14 Right , okay , what we 're saying here is that the mum and the dad are normal people , they do n't have any problems , but they have got each of them have got abnormal gene and they 're going to have a family , the first baby that they have gets two normal genes , one from each parent , you only get one gene from each parent , fuses so that makes two genes so the baby has two genes , right , the first baby gets two normal genes , right and that baby is normal , which is very clear right , so here we have written this baby is not P K U affected and is normal and does n't actually carry the gene any more , does that make sense to you ?
15 And they said , ‘ That 's a bit tricky because he 's very private and does n't go out … . ’
16 So if anybody you know did that and has n't yet repaid them I would strongly advise you to do that .
17 He 's strong and does n't show pain and certainly does n't cry .
18 She can be difficult though , as she is a bit head strong and has n't got the best of mouths . ’
19 Who wants to write plays or biographies about a man who works hard and does n't have much luck with women ?
20 But be warned — he 's an unashamed surrealist and does n't expect people to understand his paintings now any more than they did then .
21 He added : ‘ Society has gone soft and does n't seem to know how to deal with hardened criminals .
22 She 's strong , forthright and does n't mind who she upsets — yet she still survives at the top of her profession .
23 Thompson won the Olympic title that year , 1980 , successfully defended it in 1984 and has n't completed a decathlon since finishing fourth in the 1988 Games in Seoul .
24 No , it 's just that erm he feels comfortable and does n't have to put on a show
25 Sure and does n't everything go wrong when you least expect it ?
26 Sure and does n't every female know the best-looking man in all Ireland ? ’ she laughed .
27 Sure and does n't he sound desperate ? ’
28 ‘ I learned the Lola chassis goes airborne real good and does n't land real well , ’ Mansell joked afterwards .
29 Microsoft Corp 's MS-DOS 6 , which will be available on Wednesday , will be offered at $50 for the first 60 days , and $130 thereafter , the company said : the two most compelling new features , the company says , are data compression to double hard disk space , and improved memory management ; it also includes the capability to back up files , protect against viruses and reorganize files on the hard disk — the back-up technology was licensed from Symantec Corp 's Peter Norton group , and the anti-viral technology from Central Point Software Inc — but unlike Symantec 's Norton Back-Up , the back-up feature in MS-DOS 6 is n't automatic and does n't support tape drives , and is also slower — and about 300 new viruses have been discovered since Central Point 's virus detection technology was frozen in MS-DOS 6 code ; both companies hope to sell enhancements to the built-in products to users .
30 Tony Marlow says Britain has become too civilised and does n't punish offenders properly .
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