Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Wendy Phillips shows you how on page 30 and do n't forget to look at the countryside in July with Iris Bishop on page 60 .
2 The disbelief Mortimer felt vied with rage at the thought that they had known this and had n't divulged it earlier .
3 All kinds of life experiences go into the making of an old person who enjoys this and does not enjoy that .
4 I also think Bishop Thomas knows this and does not , can not , forgive me , as I do not forgive myself . ’
5 I never do any of this and have n't any of the underwear either .
6 Usually they really believe this and do not accept that they have made a mistake .
7 Many , many , of course , recognise this and do not show their gratitude with gifts , much and all as the staff might greatly be surprised by it .
8 If you know them very , very well and they criticise you and they say , do this and do n't do that , they can really help you .
9 I did not want to do this and did n't go .
10 But surely if if every pensioner said that 's it we ca n't afford to pay this and did n't pay .
11 Owen knew this and did n't mind it .
12 But the majority of policemen and women we encountered were not like this and did not engage in little acts of subterfuge to limit what the field-worker saw or heard because either they had nothing to hide or , more rarely , they were not concerned to conceal it .
13 Jasper sensed some of this and vowed not to go along with it in the sheeplike fashion of the others .
14 My Lord Mayor , at the Economic Strategy Sub-committee meeting recently , we were asked to adopt from Florence , an objective two statement which was not clear and did not translate precisely .
15 All members of the ‘ dependent population ’ are equally dependent and do not present varying social costs of support .
16 At Prudential Assurance , the following terms apply to members of staff who travel daily and do not move home :
17 Basalts can also form large volume flows , in some cases exceeding twenty-four cubic kilometres , but because they are so much thinner , they are not so conspicuous and do n't attract attention .
18 If the horse is not provoked into bucking or rearing , it is likely to give up such a habit if the rider remains calm and does n't fall off .
19 Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy .
20 She was calm and did not rail in spite , that night , as they waited for the island 's noises to change to the night 's flutings and clicks and sighs .
21 Keep calm and do n't be offended .
22 Always stay calm and do not allow others to drag you in to a conflict of personalities .
23 HISTORIC war department buildings in Essex are being restored to their former glory.Jobless volunteers have started clearing overgrowth from around the wartime buildings at Beacon Hill , Harwich , paving the way for full restoration work in the future.The work is being organised by NACRO , the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders , on behalf of the Essex Training and Enterprise Council.Project supervisor Ray Rawlinson said the 18 people working at Beacon Hill were long-term unemployed and did not have criminal records.The buildings date back to the Napoleonic wars were updated during the first and second world wars .
24 We are trying to be economical and do n't want to waste postage for those who no longer want to support the scheme , so please get in touch with either Helen ( 632 8214 ) or Theresa ( 638 5882 ) .
25 He had supported Pennethorne 's design because it was the cheapest and did not encroach on the park , but if they abandoned that design they were bound to take the first prize design , ‘ but as there was some difficulty about that ’ , it should go to the second prize-winners .
26 The proofed nylon flysheet is totally waterproof and does n't leak around the seams .
27 Stowage is limited , so travel light and do n't forget to pack your kit in a soft bag !
28 Now when that acid is fresh and has n't been used before two minutes is usually quite enough for it to have done the job it 's supposed to do .
29 The argument that the court should take account of the fact that the wearing of a seat belt would have caused other injuries of a different nature was rejected as a matter of principle in Patience v Andrews [ 1983 ] RTR 447 : it is respectfully submitted that this decision is wrong and does not give effect to the provision in s1 of the Law Reform ( Contributory Negligence ) Act 1945 , that damages should be reduced to such extent as the court thinks just and equitable .
30 She did not scream and weep — at least in front of him — when things went wrong and did not have a reputation for being raucous about women 's rights .
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