Example sentences of "[adj] of which could " in BNC.

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1 It may be an indication of other problems in the urinary tract some of which could potentially be serious in the long term .
2 In the background all this time was the knowledge on both sides of the Atlantic that one or two airlines had adopted anonymous reporting systems which had brought to light the most important and hair-raising incidents , some of which could be eliminated without difficulty by altering certain operating practices .
3 There are two overriding questions relating to the feasibility of such tests , both leading to a host of technical and organizational questions , only some of which could be adequately tackled in this project .
4 PC Tools 8 is crammed with quality features , some of which could make MS-DOS go green with envy
5 It is to these triumphs , some of which could be made intelligible to laymen while others remained obscure , that we shall now turn , looking first at the discoveries rather than at their reception outside the scientific community .
6 3 options are on the table , 2 of which could involve acute services being closed .
7 However , it should not be too difficult to imagine several different titles for passage ( 3 ) , each of which could equally facilitate comprehension .
8 In each of the early civilizations the emphasis rested on opaque or translucent stones , in China on jade , but elsewhere on different forms of chalcedony , lapis lazuli and turquoise , the qualities of each of which could be displayed effectively by the simple process of polishing their surfaces smooth .
9 The fourth item in table 9.7 shows the five Authorities identified as having the worst housing conditions under the ACORN scheme , which includes multiple criteria and identifies four mutually exclusive groups of housing areas associated with particular deprivation , each of which could be treated separately in the allocation of resources : poor terraced housing , the poorest Local Authority housing , areas with a high concentration of multiple — occupancy and of people of Asian origin , and areas with a high concentration of multi-let property with a significant proportion of people of Afro-Caribbean origin .
10 For a massive planet consisting largely of hydrogen and helium there are two main sources of heat for the interior , each of which could account for the excess radiation .
11 The Soviet Union had agreed to reduce from 308 to 154 its arsenal of SS-18s , the heaviest ICBM in the world , each of which could carry 10 warheads .
12 This is , in essence , a truncation of two separate transactions ( a transfer to the wife followed by her subsequent transfer to herself and the third party ) each of which could be the subject of a certificate under The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) ( Categories H and L respectively ) .
13 Symptoms of hypotension include tiredness , light-headedness or dizziness and fainting , all of which could easily be attributed to other complaints .
14 The decision is made harder by the knowledge that almost all terminally ill patients are receiving medication and may be suffering pain and distress , all of which could affect their mental competence , quite apart from some doctors ' reluctance to ‘ give up . ’
15 Within the Sheffield proposal and Training Agency requirements , a high profile was given to the development of Careers Education and Guidance , Work-Experience , industry visits and work shadowing , all of which could be provided through a partnership .
16 At first , the playing time for both discs and cylinders was the same — about two minutes — but the fact that discs could be made in different sizes , all of which could be played on the same machine , was another advantage .
17 Up to one tenth of our domestic waste is glass , all of which could be recycled without any deterioration in quality .
18 All of which could give the right shares a healthy glow .
19 All of which could put the thought of buying an ordinary used BMW in a very different light .
20 For the West , however , there were promises of greater respect for human rights in the Soviet bloc and of increased East-West contacts , all of which could lead to an easing in Russian domination of Eastern Europe .
21 In fact , he has an extraordinary repertoire of mannerisms , all of which could be reasonably mistaken for possession of one kind or another .
22 Nine out of 10 are routine calls , many of which could be carried out by mini cabs .
23 The primate centre received requests for 300 macaques and 14 chimpanzees , many of which could not be supplied because of a policy that it should be primarily a supplier for TNO institutes .
24 When Swift returned to Worcester a few days later , he was greeted with the ringing of bells , illuminations and bonfires , at many of which could be heard the tune of " The King shall have his own again " .
25 It is also questionable whether it is wise to kill adult males indiscrimately , many of which could be harem masters .
26 Both had wash-basins , one of which could be changed to a kitchen sink .
27 In the previous section we have seen how public figures often write about themselves for a variety of reasons — one of which could just be straight-forward self-centredness .
28 A decision is a choice between alternative courses of action ( one of which could be to do nothing ) .
29 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
30 Any one of which could win you £50,000 in cash .
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