Example sentences of "[adj] and that he " in BNC.

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1 His most recent biographer has observed that ‘ because Aymer de Valence held the English earldom of Pembroke and spent his entire career in English service it is easy to forget that in origin he was almost entirely French and that he retained very close links with France throughout his life ’ .
2 Maurice , an amiable young man , had realised as soon as he came to the Reach that Richard was always going to do this and that he himself would accordingly be known as Dondeschiepolschuygen IV which was inscribed in gilt lettering on his bows .
3 He turned down a job in a famous public school and wrote to Aunt Lilian , a long , very high-flown letter , saying that he believed social segregation in education to be totally wrong and that he could have no part in perpetuating it .
4 On September 9 , 1969 , by which time Clinton knew his draft number was high and that he was therefore unlikely to be called up , he wrote to his friend Richard Stearns : ‘ Nothing could be more destructive of whatever fibre I have left than this mental torment .
5 I knew that there was a problem and made a note of it erm that it was hereditary and that he was seeing a consultant , but there 's other parts of the C C Q that would actually relate to that and go into it in a lot more detail
6 All that may be stated with any certainty is that his knowledge of the craft must have been more than merely adequate and that he was a good businessman .
7 The Slovak parliament 's defence and security committee alleged that Meciar was registered with the security police or StB from 1985 and that he had removed incriminating evidence and promoted loyal former agents in the Slovak Interior Ministry after November 1989 .
8 Frankish annals record that Eardwulf visited Charlemagne and Pope Leo III and that he was escorted back by imperial and papal envoys and re-established in his kingdom in 808 .
9 This leaves the manufacturer with the problem of proving that his employees were not negligent and that he was using a safe system .
10 He was sure that the bishop was right and that he was hard to follow .
11 Within a few years that same young man had determined that things could be put right and that he was the man to do it .
12 He turned his head away , and as the light caught his face at a certain angle Nenna realised in terror that he was right and that he would never get anywhere .
13 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
14 The Manchester Guardian critic noticed that Minton 's figures were becoming less formalised and that he had ‘ fastened on the banana tree almost as tightly as Sutherland had clasped the more uncomfortable thorn-tree to his bosom ’ .
15 The minimum this required was that Galileo should be warned that a heliostatic universe had been found formally heretical and that he must no longer hold or defend it .
16 He has said the change in diet and water would be calamitous and that he ought to rest where all is familiar for six months or more .
17 As Pip has realised that Magwitch is Estella 's father and he comforts him by telling him that his daughter is still alive and that he is in love with her .
18 ‘ He said that his heart was dicky and that he would n't last much longer .
19 Will my right hon. Friend tell me how best to reply to a constituent of mine who has recently completed a course of treatment at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and who tells me that the nurses and doctors were fantastic , that the treatment was magnificent and that he is fed up to the back teeth with the constant efforts of the Labour party to undermine and talk down the achievements of the health service ?
20 But that was not all : Mr Browning said Mr Landor 's rooms were all to be painted , carpeted and furnished and that he thought her own quarters might at least be painted if she contributed only a little to the cost .
21 At the rime his Jewish appearance did not strike me as peculiar because I had not yet got used to the idea of people thinking racially , but I learnt later that he was half Jewish and that he did this job to keep his Jewish wife out of trouble .
22 The Bishop ordained that the Vicar of Hailing should receive as his portion £5 10s yearly and that he should have the same acreage of land as the vicars of old possessed and also " all oblations what so ever within the bounds and limits of the parish , all the tithes of hay , lambs , wool , mills , calves , chicken , pigs , geese , ducks , eggs , bees ' honey , wax , cheese , milk , milk-meats , flax , hemp , pears , apples , garden herbs , pigeon houses , and merchandise , fisheries , pastures , onions , garlic and saffron , also the tithes , sheaves cultivated either by plough or spade and also the tithes of wood for fuel , coppice wood , thorns , rushes , faggots and fardells , within the bounds of the Parish , all of which the vicars and his successors shall have "
23 He said that was fine and that he knew that the sails would be as good as the last suit that we had made for him .
24 And then Luke came in and said the fire was fine and that he 'd bashed the cushions up a bit , to make it all OK for them .
25 On the other hand , it could be claimed with some justification that moral considerations were involved in Gandhi 's decision to fast and that he did what he thought he had to do in those situations .
26 He had read and enjoyed her diary though there were things in it that he was sure he had not known at fourteen and that he felt , uneasily , were not quite suitable for her to know .
27 He realized that he was tired and that he had been working too long , word upon word , hour after hour , mostly in a poor light , always in bitter cold .
28 Professor Alexander quotes friar William of Rubruck 's report that Mangu Khan ( grandson of Genghis and brother of Kublai Khan ) ‘ took a good look ’ at these illuminated manuscripts in Karakoram in 1253 and that he ‘ made diligent enquiry as to the meaning of the pictures ’ .
29 I am pleased to report that Ken 's attack was not major and that he is well on the way to recovery .
30 He told her that he was well and that he missed her a lot .
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