Example sentences of "[adj] and i go " in BNC.

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1 I put , get that and I go urgh in your mouth you know
2 ‘ So we did that and I went and told everybody , because I was like sixteen at the time I did it .
3 By the the I served five year then and I left that and I went into corporation transport which was tramcars then .
4 And then expand on it , and so I go into each of these and I go to the and I say a few words about each of these particular themes .
5 His mother got ill and I went back .
6 And he and my mother had a disagreement about this and er the result was that my father became very ill and I went home to Grandma .
7 Well erm the er th th th the first and most horrific incidence was I think in the May , no no no it was n't May , it was when we went down to s to Cats in London which was at the end of eighty nine beginning of ninety and I went to , I went to the the doctor in June of nineteen ninety and odd things were sort of going through nineteen ninety , but it was n't until nineteen ninety one and I was off ill and it all went
8 ‘ But within half and hour I could not move at all and I went to hospital .
9 ‘ My husband was made redundant and I went out to work while he stayed at home to do the chores .
10 ‘ My mum 's brilliant and I go to a lovely young designer called Richard Kinlock , who 's superb .
11 ‘ Things are obviously becoming very busy and I went in over the weekend to do a bit of work .
12 She told TODAY last night : ‘ He came to my home when I was alone and I went to his surgery .
13 Yes I know I 'll take it when I go down to the post office and I keep forgetting , do n't like bothering with it on Thursday because they 've always got a shop full and I go
14 I did n't , I work , I started at half nine and I finished at half ten and I went to you know .
15 Well you know the first time I went was oh I du n no , before the war you know when I was about four or five and I went to get one out I mean my parents
16 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
17 I watched it in first and I went
18 I took it , I , he said well try it and we went round it in first and I went and it went rrah
19 Well , actually I left school , I think it was the either tenth or eleventh of November nineteen thirty one and I went straight into the Transport Department and I think my record will show that I actually started there on the twelfth of November nineteen thirty one .
20 The clock struck one and I went down the lunch in Hall .
21 A fitter and I went up and did just that .
22 And I heard the bathroom window open and I went in there , I was just having a look , admiring my little shed roof there !
23 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
24 And so then I So I was very , very disappointed and I went to a shop then called Dixon-Parkers which was a bigger shop and er a very well-known shop .
25 I missed several classes because they put me up in , for instance I , when I came up from the infants to the big school I missed the first standard and they put me into standard two and I went from two , three , four , five , six , seven and seven and I was only eleven , you see , so I did pretty well and then the Headmaster came to my parents and said , why do n't you let her go in for a scholarship to Stowmarket Secondary and so I went in for that and er there was one other girl went as well , there were two of us and erm , and of course we only heard during the summer break and er we passed .
26 I 'm now sixty two and I go dancing twice a week !
27 ‘ I was just going on 14 and I went to my first gig the Stray Cats .
28 And he was being nice , but sort of , jokingly nice and I goes oh yeah , you know ?
29 no , no , I was giving you an example to what would happen on the time scale , but let me go back to January nineteen eighty seven , if the brochure was printed in January nineteen eighty seven if the brochure was printed in January nineteen eighty seven and I went to buy in March , April , May nineteen eighty eight , the figures in the service charges would be out of date
30 My girlfriend was going mad and I went in front of the governor .
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