Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These substances , that may in some people be of relatively minor cross-addictive potential , can always be tackled later when the head is more clear and the primary disease is in more secure recovery .
2 That let's off more power than one of mine in the lounge .
3 The opera season 1763/4 must by any standards be regarded as one of London 's least successful .
4 My Thanks are due , ’ Prince wrote to Jardine on 7 April 1840 , ‘ for your instructions respecting the specimens in spirits , which I have since carefully examined , separated and supplied with fresh spirit ; many of them I regret to add are much decomposed and I fear some may at last prove useless . ’
5 As with transcendence and immanence , this may at first sight appear to represent a flat contradiction in terms .
6 This may at first be simple ‘ draw writing ’ but as they develop and learn more about how written language works , their writing comes increasingly close to standard adult systems .
7 This may at first appear paradoxical because robots are often — perhaps most often — thought of as mechanical workpeople , displacing humans .
8 Although this may at first seem to be an absolute method of reading the bar widths , it is actually reading the widths of the bars relative to the total width of the bar code .
9 We shall take it that their surface structure is : ( 44 ) This may at first make them seem somewhat analogous to the predicate qualifiers , except that the noun phrase beyond the mediating verb is here the subject of the clause rather than the object as with the predicate qualifiers , and it is to the entity of this noun phrase that the property of the adjective applies .
10 This may in certain cases require not only that the applicant be informed of the evidence , but that he should be given a sufficient opportunity to deal with it .
11 As compared with a ‘ profit maximisation within the law ’ regime , this may in some areas lead to outcomes which are more efficient from a social point of view , as where a company takes voluntary action to internalise external costs .
12 Clause 9.15.2 may in particular be considered objectionable and so may clause 9.15.3 for that matter .
13 The meaning of a statement seems to be roughly what the speaker should have meant by it and this must in most cases be what the speaker does mean by it .
14 Another must for this briefly visiting the Mournes is the traverse of the north ridge of the Bloody Bridge , on the Irish ea coast , to the Trassey road near Tollymore Forest Park ; or better still , on reaching the Hares Gap climb Bearnagh , Meelmore and Meelbeg and descend the broad slopes to Fofanny Dam .
15 Few could at this stage afford to be as choosy as Fox Milton & Co Ltd when they sacked a new dealer on the grounds that he was dealing with his old Chartwell clients , so enraging Chartwell Securities . "
16 This would on past experience coax the crocuses out in Hyde Park , only to be spiked by frost in a few days ' time .
17 This would at best have been a major irritant for an embattled leader of the opposition But it became worse than that .
18 Even if " organizational unity " with the ILP had been carried through , this would at best only have doubled the small membership of the Communist Party .
19 This would in many ways be the easiest option for us to follow — the status quo can always be defended but would clearly disappoint the legitimate aspirations of ever more young men and women to participate in higher education and , just as serious , fail to provide the educated and skilled workforce which the country so manifestly needs .
20 If , for example , the poll tax were to be replaced by a proportional income tax , this would in general change the tax burden on the median person , and hence — assuming that he remains decisive change the voting outcome .
21 This assumption is also implicit in the major 1964 oil and sugar agreement , the terms of which were such that ‘ Had Cuba been able to deliver in full its annual commitment of sugar to the USSR , this would in all probability have balanced the cost of Cuban imports from the Soviet Union .
22 There are certainly powerful arguments against centralised systems of welfare and this would in any case run counter to present trends which urge more effective relationships with informal , very local systems of care .
23 This would in any event take time .
24 Even a glance at the map shows that the French would at this time have been strategically much better placed without Verdun , for withdrawal would have straightened and shortened their line , thus strengthening it .
25 But it seems to me that the wife might thereafter have offered to return and might have ceased to be in desertion , and that clause 2 would at that stage and in that event have been in operation : therefore it does not seem to me that it can be said that clause 2 was not of value to the husband .
26 This will in particular affect the Commission , Council and Parliament .
27 In insisting on these limits , we are not concerned with the philosophical problem of whether there is free will at all , but with the evidence of common experience that although you can choose to think about a problem , be considerate to your wife , distribute pamphlets for a cause or pray for forgiveness for a crime , you can not by mere exertion of will hit on a new thought , love your wife , have faith in the cause , or repent the crime .
28 None the less , it seems likely that the course of studies was so arranged that the students would pass through the same grades of medreses as those in which they would later teach : such would in any case seem to have been the practice in later times .
29 A lidded box was nailed to the side of the cart where the scholarly or the rich could post written petitions for miracles .
30 If the span is too great , or the timber is undersized , it will need hangers from the ceiling above to prevent it sagging , and these will to some extent reduce its effect .
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