Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] us " in BNC.

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1 That may give us a pointer to one approach .
2 ‘ And now I 've confided my murky past , that must make us more than acquaintances . ’
3 ‘ In Germany , even with 10 men , we had two good chances against them , and that must give us hope .
4 That must give us a message .
5 Tommy Grant placed the big , round , iron , copper-lined sugar pan on the side of the stove , straightened his back as far as it would go ; then , turning to the bench , he pointed to the five tin trays of liquid toffee , saying , ‘ That should give us a fresh start in the mornin' , miss .
6 And that should give us food for thought ; while his uncle William in Frome , amongst others , was receiving poor relief at the rate of between 1s. and 4s. per fortnight , here , in the same year of 1799 , the nephew-made-good was handing over what amounted to about a year 's dole payments to join an exclusive club in the metropolis .
7 That should give us at least half a whole time equivalent nurse on every ward .
8 Er , Les Echo had problems on the medical side , partly government regulation , partly the market and we 've reorganized er , two medical divisions into one and that should give us er , give us some cost saving there .
9 Now the other thing we should remember is that between nineteen seventy eight and nineteen eighty two , certainly in the early nineteen eighties , eighty , eighty one , we were in the midst of a recession and so that should tell us that really people should have less money to spend on holidays .
10 That should put us back in business nicely .
11 To Europeans , this music is unfamiliar and in many cases the technical level of orchestration and harmony is deficient by world standards , but in place of technique , the Indians have something else that should interest us .
12 This is the challenge that awaits us and that should find us united in our ministry of communication .
13 This is the challenge that awaits us and that should find us united in our ministry of communication .
14 And that should see us through the difficult times . ’
15 Without having that understanding of what emotions are and what they are doing to us we can not analyse the way in which emotions disturb our balance and what that should teach us about ourselves and our relationship with the world .
16 In a damaging exposure of Saint Beuve 's literary critical method , Proust argued against Saint Beuve that the biography of a writer , erm even an account of his habits , his social attitudes , his vices , his virtues and so on , that this may tell us nothing at all about the nature and significance of his imaginative work .
17 As the language of mathematics is so tightly defined , the ability to use mathematics to communicate in a particular language may take longer to develop than we would expect , and this may lead us to underestimate pupils ' grasp of ideas , particularly since language is so closely related to culture .
18 This may give us the best of both worlds .
19 All this may strike us as very patronising but it reveals at least as much concern about the welfare , and rehabilitation , of prisoners as the incarceration policies of the present day .
20 We have seen by now in a good number of cases , including those immediately above , that when one takes account of the interaction between the meanings of particular words and the value of the constructions in which they may be used , it is often easy to see why certain structures are grammatical , and others are not ; this may enable us to say in turn why other related structures are ungrammatical .
21 This may help us to understand why it is that the family was never more expertly advised , psychoanalysed and researched , yet never has it fallen apart more dramatically than in the last generation .
22 If the whites can only hold their form , this may allow us to sneak up on the blind side and pip them both at the death .
23 This should make us wary of superficial descriptions of knowledge and faith .
24 This should make us take extra care with introductions and conclusions .
25 This should lead us to harbour severe doubts about the ‘ scientific ’ nature of such research , since it seems to already know the answer before it goes out to investigate .
26 This should give us the key mineral signature which could , if necessary , be refined by the technique of selective quantitative element analysis developed by the Oxford Laboratory by X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy which has achieved such notable success with mortaria ( Hartley and Richards , 1965 ) .
27 If we say the cost of production of a bird laying 276 eggs per 52 week period is 60p per dozen ( I 'm taking Stuart Hinchly 's ) figures demonstrated at the Royal Show ) , by retailing our own produce this should give us an average price of £1.25 plus per dozen .
28 ‘ All that aside , though , this should give us a lot more loose rein here . ’
29 We should , of course , widen the context even further for , if in the movies preaching usually came hand in hand with melodrama , this should remind us that films were still firmly in the hands of showmen and they were free to use social comment and social settings as they thought best .
30 This should remind us that not all enclosures were made by the land-owning class , but could be the work of the peasants themselves .
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