Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In part that may reflect real changes in public opinion but to a large extent it merely reflects sampling and other administrative errors .
2 That may prove crucial at the safe-handover process .
3 And that may introduce new considerations not available to us today .
4 ‘ What happens within this house after that may have considerable repercussions . ’
5 That may cause practical problems in detecting the consequences , but this is a thought experiment after all , and we can assume that technical ingenuity will prove equal to the task of providing adequate amplification of the signal .
6 That may seem reasonable , but it 's a lot for Poland , where a million and a half zlotys a month is considered more or less an average wage .
7 That may seem perverse , since most of his films are comedies , but the charge sticks .
8 That may seem perverse , given what we have just said about the current scene , especially since we do not ourselves believe that states are the only important actors in international relations .
9 That may look fancy but RMC is well-led and in two or three years time should make decent money in Britain again .
10 That may include public liability , product liability and bad debt insurance .
11 That may sound strange — what I mean is , I 'm always trying to imagine what they think of me ; I do n't seem able to look from inside of myself , outwards .
12 That may sound strange but , if you lose a loved one , you have the memory of that person to focus your grief on .
13 That may sound emotional , but we are mere custodians of the game , which will be there long after we have departed .
14 Now that may sound arrogant and patronising on my part to say so .
15 That may sound mercenary because Chris knows the rest of his career is limited , but it will be fun for people watching !
16 That may sound silly , but readers of blueprint detective stories want pure detection .
17 That may sound extreme , but it is already happening in England , where market place education is rather further developed .
18 MAS should inform potential purchasers selected to proceed to the next phase and arrange meetings and site visits .
19 Whilst the pure search work may be sub-contracted to other specialist departments , MAS should have principal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the search process ( particularly ensuring that time is not being spent researching targets outside the purchaser 's price range ) and drawing together all the findings .
20 MAS should provide clear advice on alternative courses of action .
21 As it is , the League seems to be dying on its feet , Cricket must realise that television ( and that must mean terrestrial TV , to which millions have access ) is the sine qua non ) of any sport if the sport is to thrive .
22 The aircraft had a peculiar motion , rather like a small boat in a heavy ocean swell , or rather what I imagined that must feel like , never having been out on the open sea in a small boat .
23 That must feel funny to see your daddy in a photograph . ’
24 That must sound disgusting !
25 Oh — that must sound funny to you .
26 God , that must sound pious .
27 That must include long-term investment in key areas of training , education , research and development , and transport .
28 That must have direct effect on education standards , and it is legitimate that Her Majesty 's inspectorate should comment on it .
29 ‘ Harry Martin … the word 's out that you 're interested in how he conducts his business at the moment , and of course that must cause untold problems , or would do if you were n't able to separate your professional and personal life . ’
30 That should do nice , I 've got one here .
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