Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Usually , each will have some paid employment outside the home and each may have his or her career .
2 If two groups acquiesce in the representation of their perspective through the same array of objects , which for one group is acceptable because it is bright and cheerful , while for the other is acceptable because it enshrines a sense of good design , each may project its own perspective onto the other ; in this case , the object permits the coexistence of two perspectives , rather than the dominance of either .
3 The Toraja believe we have many layers of spirits , or astral bodies , which at death must detach themselves like the skins of an onion so each may find its proper place .
4 but that ought to satisfy my Noble Friend and I should have thought , but I agree with him , in in the general point that it is very much more easy when these bills are consolidated and they do end up in one consolidated act .
5 Does my hon. Friend agree that what has happened in East Timor is the very opposite of good governance and that that ought to influence our aid programme to Indonesia ?
6 Jean to get right let's do your son .
7 Each can have his own independent ferret on a line and each his own locator system — but each must control his own ferret carefully to ensure there is no overlapping underground .
8 Hence the individual voter 's starting-point in trying to influence policy through the electoral process is a situation of very limited choice in which it is general policy biases , or even more general considerations , often described as ‘ party images ’ , that must govern his or her selection of an MP .
9 ‘ You need n't worry ; when I leave here you need never see me again , so that should set your conscience at rest . ’
10 And that should inform your thinking when somebody rings you up and says , ‘ My editor tells me that this happened .
11 That should ensure her safety , since the disc jockey inevitably stuck to the same pattern of fast music at this stage of the evening , keeping the slow , romantic records for the end of the night .
12 Dorothea wondered why that should preclude her concern in the affairs of others .
13 That should take his mind off prime ministerial ambitions for a while .
14 That should catch his attention . ’
15 That should keep her safe .
16 That should please your father . "
17 That should grab her attention .
18 That should concentrate their mind on the need to give any affected party the opportunity to make submission on any such departure and also to facilitate the communication of the nature of the departure to the affected party .
19 That should suit your taste for the melodramatic . ’
20 That should help your mood ! ’
21 Some may change their status from ‘ visiting scholar ’ with a year 's stay to Ph.D .
22 However , some may change their behaviour , some may want to talk and others wo n't .
23 Some may find their way to suburban , provincial , or country destinations .
24 Some may donate their carefully assembled collections to the museums .
25 Some may put their heads inside a plastic bag .
26 The laryngeal mask is being modified to produce a version that may afford better protection against aspiration , and this may extend its applications still further .
27 If you run any schemes with voluntary car drivers who do more than 4000 miles a year and feel this may effect your volunteers please contact Hilary on ( 0604 ) 670092 .
28 Many patients with Type 2 diabetes retain some degree of endogenous insulin production , and this may explain their tendency to have more stable blood glucose levels in contrast to patients with Type I diabetes .
29 This may explain their slightly higher ages in unskilled manual and retail occupations .
30 This may explain its reluctance to come out of four wheel drive .
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