Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is also evidence that many who have the financial means to be mobile are actually committing themselves to post-retirement migration .
2 The Spanish are now promoting the use of the caper berry , the fruit that is produced after the plant has flowered , as a garnish for both food and drinks .
3 the schoolchildren at that that are actually going into it .
4 without protest from a parent , without a protest from a hunter without a protest from er a anyone else , that is a shame , because I tell you what , if you go drag hunting , you can keep the jobs the people are still going to have to shoe the horses traders and people like that are still going to have to produce the carriages to take the horses with them and the only people job jobs are in jeopardy are not the kennel staff it 's the terrier men and to be quite honest , ladies and gentlemen , it 's the terrier men who have actually ruined your sport , cos of what they get up to in nineteen ninety three is a disgust and at the end of the day your P R has been absolutely wrong and I hope this afternoon that Conservatives and Liberals can join with us and I 've got to thank a certain Liberal because he 's he 's put his head on the block on several occasions on this when we stood on the platform as individuals , not as politicians , as individuals on this and I think that this afternoon we 've got a way forward , we can say to the hunt , come and talk you change , we 'll give you access .
5 The electrodes for that are only linked up at intervals , of course , since they have to be directly attached to his scalp .
6 Erm the project erm that he referred to there has in fact now gone live and erm partly as a result of that are now investing further in products , by implementing a range of new projects on that same architecture .
7 The other reason was in the late eighties and early nineties we had a very large expenditure programme indeed in one year amounting to one hundred million pounds now of that are now becoming fully depreciated and falling out of the charge
8 Ok … that s enough laughing ( for now ) .
9 Government attempts to restrict the sale of gin in 1736 are usually considered to have been behind disturbances in that year , but these also involved the resentment of building workers and weavers at being displaced from employment by the cheaper Irish .
10 According to the World Bank in its report on Energy Transition in the Developing Countries ( 1984 ) , energy supply has the potential almost to double in the years to 1995 provided that available resources both financial and technical are strategically deployed and realistic pricing policies are established and maintained .
11 The systems , , graphical user interfaces , the concept of database management systems , repositories of information which are accessible and shareable are really taken for granted in many organizations .
12 Or , thirdly , arrangements whereby the needy are increasingly looked after by voluntary and charitable activities .
13 Downstairs the ten-year-old and the eight-year-old are quietly occupied in running three of the old dungeons together to make a games room .
14 Elsewhere along the coast flocks of up to 500 are regularly found .
15 If a link exists between body temperature and the sensation of fatigue , then it is reasonable to enquire if the abilities to fall asleep and remain asleep are also related to body temperature .
16 The troubles of the nuclear industry in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 are well known : a slowdown or halt to construction of new plants , plus the closedown earlier this year of the nuclear power station near Erevan in Armenia because of safety worries after last December 's earthquake .
17 The disqualification provisions of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 are usually considered only in the context of offences in relation to company legislation , such as failing to file documents , and fiscal misconduct .
18 Those who put up $1,000 when Microsoft made its initial public offering in March 1986 are now sitting on $15,500 .
19 Any bankruptcy proceedings commenced before 29 December 1986 are still governed by the Bankruptcy Act 1914 as amended and the Bankruptcy Rules 1952 as amended .
20 In some cultures , older people are deprived of esteem , suffer severe neglect and , in extreme cases , the frail and weak are simply left to die .
21 As recently as the mid-1980s , Neil Postman ( 1985 , p.79 ) was writing that ‘ The six-year-old and the sixty-year-old are equally qualified to experience what television has to offer … .
22 Many words originally hyphenated are now written without hyphens .
23 It 's best to bring an early morning , mid-flow sample with you , because the hormones that show that you are pregnant are most concentrated in your early-morning urine .
24 In practice , children under the age of eight are rarely called as witnesses and judges still follow a 1958 House of Lords ruling that a jury could not attach any importance to the evidence of a child of five .
25 Seven of the eight are well known Black communities and the sites read like a civil servant 's check list of those places where the state expected an uprising ( excluding those with Inner City Partnerships already present ) , yet no race specific dimension was added to their brief .
26 The Legislative Assembly of Macao , enlarged under the new 1990 organic Law [ see below ] , has 23 members , of whom seven are government appointees , eight are indirectly elected by business associations and eight are elected by direct universal suffrage .
27 The Legislative Assembly of Macao comprises 23 members , of whom seven are government appointees , eight are indirectly elected by business associations and eight are elected by direct universal suffrage .
28 So if public and private are increasingly converging in institutional form and environmental challenges , and many of the tasks are similar , what is the analytical distinction between the two forms of management ?
29 IT 'S A hippy-dippy crazy world and Cork 's finest are currently turning National Treasure on us .
30 MBV and Lush are perhaps pointing the way with their 50/50 male-female splits .
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