Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she should " in BNC.

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1 Again Beth hesitated , thinking it wrong that she should use this lovely girl in order to lessen her own burden .
2 Er I thought that it was wrong that she should , as everybody knows .
3 Mr. O'Brien was , Mrs. O'Brien said , extremely insistent that she should sign .
4 ’ 'T IS proper that she should be with yourself and my sisters . ’
5 With a young child the mother will often just know something is seriously wrong and she should trust this knowledge and act accordingly .
6 She was in the wrong and she should n't be allowed to get away with it .
7 Hank was so used to being deserted by his mother that he did not think it odd that she should go out on the first evening in ten weeks that his father had been able to spend at home .
8 She thought that it was odd that she should be so certain of Beuno 's allegiance with her against one of his countrymen , but she had no doubts of him .
9 But Cleo wrote letters though it was n't humanly possible that she should .
10 She wants to know whether she was judged on the piece of sculpture itself ; and if so is it not true that time alone can judge a work of art ? or was she judged on her talent ; if so , is it right that she should be judged on a part of life over which she has no control ?
11 Would n't it only be right that she should go , too ? ’
12 To her it could just not be right that she should love one man while being married to another .
13 However mistaken he thought that she might be , and that her vision of life was based on a charming naïveté which took little account of the cruel realities of existence , it was , to him , admirable that she should care about such things , and in such a practical way when all was said and done .
14 At first I took them for Maria 's , though it seemed strange that she should be going down to the beach at that time .
15 For a start she had been the only woman , and her colleagues had found it strange that she should be working with them .
16 To her mistress it was understandable that she should never speak absolutely freely but it was intolerable that she could not do so to the last remaining member of her family , nor even to her husband .
17 It was peculiar but pleasant that she should find the song painless .
18 Amazing that she should be here , no ? ’
19 But it was impossible that she should write to him .
20 Gazzer felt closer to Marie now than he had ever done before , and it mattered to him very much that she should take him seriously .
21 It is thus appropriate that she should begin her enterprise in Out with an investigation of that originary metaphor described by Nietzsche , the act of perception .
22 Julia was half convinced that she should tell the young people to go to the cinema and dances again but she consulted Pat .
23 This probably accounted for the fact that she was not on duty at the theatre as much as she should have been and was very moody when she was there .
24 Perhaps that sometimes Katell is too nice and unstuffy when she should be insisting we see and hear her as special ; too conversational when she should be more confrontational .
25 It seemed very hard that she should have had to uproot herself completely while her husband could not even be bothered to accompany her on holidays to her own country .
26 Just because she did n't know how to ride a motorbike or even want to , it was unfair that she should try to stop him .
27 It is grossly unfair that she should have been sentenced to life having been provoked by her partner over a period into killing him .
28 Given that the announcement is outstandingly good news for the hon. Lady and her constituents , it is unfortunate that she should wish to introduce a divisive note .
29 Of course , she thought , she did n't really care , but was n't it natural that she should be curious about him ?
30 It 's only natural that she should n't want to speak to you . ’
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