Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Either that or she just does n't fancy me , even I admit that possibility . ’
2 Joseph Chamberlain , not Sidney Webb , was the man of her dreams ; but though she has been credited with overcoming romantic desire for the sake of her own independence , it is clear that she desperately wanted him to propose , with her eyes set on his becoming prime minister .
3 It is not clear that she currently has any diplomatic status , though there is some evidence that the United Nations may still for some purposes recognise her ambassadorship .
4 It was clear that she still did n't consider Jessamy was capable of holding Julius 's interest for very long .
5 He felt her grow rigid at his touch , made it so light that she hardly knew that it was there .
6 ‘ How do you know this if she never speaks ? ’
7 ‘ And Connie , ’ pursued Camille , ‘ lives in a house the same as this and she never had to work for it . ’
8 It was so obvious that he would n't have cared in the slightest if she really had run off with the professor .
9 like , she 's coloured right , but she 's a bit portly and she just smells to be quite honest !
10 Not by any stretch of the imagination could she be called beautiful and it was doubtful if she ever had been , but she was undeniably attractive .
11 It was most inconvenient and she often wished he would leave her alone .
12 She soon found that they were English and she also felt a certain amount of unexpected dismay because the woman flung her arms around Felipe and kissed him .
13 She did n't look quite as natty as she usually does !
14 And because her bag was light , with only Miss Gemma Dallam 's brown Chinese satin in it , and her hopes as high as she ever allowed them to be , she smiled at everybody else who came her way , the fishmonger , the old-clothes dealer pushing his cart with its flea-ridden bundles ; the organ-grinder whose emaciated monkey , cowering sadly on his shoulder , always caused her a stab of pain :
15 Not that Susanna Cellini — or Belford-Cellini as she apparently preferred to be known — would be impressed , but neither could she be disparaging .
16 In La Fille Mal Gardée Mother Simone does this when she triumphantly finishes her Clog Dance on the arms of her more graceful neighbours , just as all the guests but Alain do after the Betrothal and they all dance out , arms linked to celebrate .
17 Katie Jane absolved herself of all responsibility for this when she recently claimed in the NME that is was all the onlooker 's problem .
18 Was it too as bereft as she now was ?
19 Betty was so low that she somehow contrived to hurt her finger quite badly with a clove that she was sticking into an onion .
20 Any question of taking her into Penzance had to be abandoned and Harriet went off alone to do the weekly shopping , thankful to be able to leave Edna in charge of Celia and trying not to feel guilty that she actually preferred such expeditions without her daughter 's company .
21 It was hard , travelling home in that bus , and surrounded by the immense , evident , and varied liberties of people and land , to believe in the small impossibilities of her own home , and she felt , as she so frequently felt , the will to believe it to be different : the truth was too grotesque and too unnatural , and her hopes were so strong that she carelessly let them wander a little , giving them a little leeway , letting them sniff and pry and explore .
22 In December nineteen eighty seven she was transferred from intensive care to a main ward , but it was not until February nineteen eighty eight that she fully emerged from coma .
23 Sally-Anne had a flash of memory of him just before their abortive lovemaking , remembered how dear she had felt him , so dear that she no longer saw his scarred face , but only Dr Neil , whom she loved .
24 Fifteen minutes later , however , and Fabia 's anger , like her shower water , had drained away , and she was feeling unhappier than she ever had in her life .
25 She looked more adult and womanly than she really was .
26 There was further antagonism when she failed to get into Leeds Polytechnic but wanted to be with Gedge so much that she still moved to Leeds anyway .
27 ‘ Of course , ’ the Doctor had said , and the memory of his voice was so real that she almost heard the words in her ears , ‘ if anyone wanted to infiltrate the TARDIS with any kind of intelligence , from a virus to an entire computer , they 'd only have to plug a cable into the socket under the console .
28 I miss her so much and she hardly ever writes to me . ’
29 she ai n't mate , she might be on the outside but she really ai n't , cos Penny 's such a lovely girl and I thought , and I thought , I 've seen Penny butter up
30 ‘ There is n't all that much because she soon fell asleep again but at least I 've got their names .
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