Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't call back that she was asleep or had died .
2 They were worried about her being alone in the fiat and had wondered whether she was pregnant or had taken drugs .
3 In 1983–4 , 33 per cent of young workers told interviewers from the GHS that they were unemployed or had experienced unemployment during the previous twelve months .
4 It was this that had prevented me from resting half a day here or there , from starting late in the morning and from stopping early in the evening .
5 It was this that had caused the shin injury , pushing me on when I could have taken things more slowly .
6 It was this that had precipitated Charley 's act of violence towards Rose , whom he had grabbed as she parked her car , forcing her to drive to the van .
7 Since the only source of energy in the building is electricity , it was this that had to heat the water .
8 and she 's had to go and buy some that had gone , and I says well I , she says it 's just burning it up that fire
9 In the end , ten republics — including some that had declared independence — agreed a joint statement which indicated that a loose union would be established based on Russia and the Central Asian republics , and that around it there would be a ‘ common economic space ’ that would include most if not all of the republics that had been part of the USSR .
10 Much of its business was concerned with continuing statutes that would otherwise lapse , repealing some that had become irksome , or modifying others which had revealed weaknesses in operation .
11 A few of Richard 's toys were there as well , and some that had belonged to Kate .
12 He had intended to learn French and had brought with him a set of books asserting that you could teach yourself French in two weeks , but he did n't open them .
13 Item — somehow de Craon was involved in all this and had bribed the unwitting Father Reynard .
14 At the time we had not understood why the team leader had refused this and had asked for referrals to be made directly to her .
15 I had , in fact , noticed this and had reported it , asking that the board should be moved at once in case the impression was given that the house was about to be demolished .
16 The Moore came over all giddy at this and had to have a sit down .
17 The Labour Party were leaving no stone unturned and had published ‘ The New Social Order ’ .
18 The Left had fought against fascism since 1933 and had organized support for the Spanish Republican armies since I 936 .
19 His face was grotesquely puffed and had taken on the colour of dark purple .
20 He had got the direction slightly wrong and had passed the dell before he realised it .
21 He was in fact eighteen , had never seen a battle , and was very nervous of the notorious Lieutenant-Colonel Sharpe who was thirty-eight years old and had lost count of all his battles .
22 The official story had always been that Greg was simply a close family friend , but a child could have seen through the pretence and she had not been a child for a very long time , perhaps not since that long-ago night when she was four years old and had stood , unseen , outside a bedroom door …
23 He was sixty-eight years old and had suffered from cancer of the oesophagus for some time .
24 Since I was twenty years old and had had some success in college debating societies , this possibility did not strike me as remote .
25 Her parents were old and had forgotten , if ever they had known , what it was like to love someone as she loved Rob .
26 Spain stood very much where she had done when Philip II came to the throne , except that the Netherlands had broken free and had set up an empire based much more on trade than on overseas settlements .
27 I decided that it was perhaps because they were n't possessive and had given no other human being the feeling that having been once disgorged he was n't safe and at any moment might find himself gobbled up again and back in the confines of a body not his own .
28 He 'd become self-conscious and had challenged her .
29 Still the rain , all week it had rained , and his coat was barely dried out from the previous evening and his shoes were still wet and had rejected the polish he had attempted over his breakfast .
30 I had always felt embarrassed and had to look at my feet in the presence of anyone playing any musical instrument , and had realised once when watching Syl spitting and squinting at his oboe that this was because it was irresistibly evocative of masturbation .
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