Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i 've " in BNC.

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1 Either that or I 've got wax in my ears .
2 The only other thing I have to put to you is this that I 've already put to er what we allege went on in that bedroom .
3 He said the area had ‘ an extremely unfair image because the majority of people on this estate want the best housing facilities and the best education for the children and that is certainly my view in the year and a half that I 've been at the school ’ .
4 ‘ One of my parts is very much on the marketing side and this has actually flourished and the demands on my time for giving talks and presentations all over the world at very high levels has become more demanding than I 've ever known before . ’
5 But Charlie 's Scottish and I 've saving bags of money , you know .
6 ‘ I 'm not yet 30 and I 've still got plenty of time to earn more money , ’ he shrugged .
7 I 'm 30 and I 've been having an affair for the past five years .
8 And given the fact do n't forget , it 's always worth remembering this and I 've I 've made , I 'll be making the point later on .
9 I mean the Halifax charged me three hundred pounds for this and I 've already got a mortgage with them , so they do n't need to do any sort of er er in depth surveys , or , or , or assessments on the house .
10 Now that does n't the Kipsigy was just the study of the erm you know it 's a good statistical it 's good hard-hat social science you know with distribution and everything it 's all good stuff , erm they do n't say that , where we do know this is something I have researched myself very carefully , the Australian Aborigines erm we have rich data on this and I 've read an awful lot of it and I compared notes with world authorities like David McKnight and erm erm what 's his name erm Shapiro authority on this , and they agree that er that 's definitely what happens .
11 ( Eg I got 2 pounds of a cop ticket for wimbledon — meaning I can see a match for 5.50 ) It only takes me going to 5 matches like this and I 've got good value for my initial investment .
12 I believe that support this and I 've already seen in my own district to traffic calming which never previously existed .
13 Oh and I 've stopped this and I 've stopped that !
14 and he 's he 's a bit younger than me and I 've gone come on then give us a kiss , like this , and he 's gone like that , I thought , just there like this and I 've leant over and went just there .
15 ‘ It 's all been very interesting and I 've learned quite a lot of things I did n't know before .
16 Progna I s to be quite h I 've forgotten , it used to me it means something quite interesting and I 've forgotten .
17 Shh shh , she 's done nothing , she 's done nothing wrong and I 've assaulted her was the assault justified ?
18 I 've been going to the cinema ever since I was 7 years old and I 've seen fights at many films .
19 I 'm 15 years old and I 've been with my current boyfriend for quite a while .
20 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
21 Mrs Mary Yates is arranging the programme for 1993 and I 've asked her to let you have a copy .
22 got all teams in it mine 's different cos I 've got intimate football
23 I won I 've been on holiday mate so I ai n't Stuart 's got some and I 've got some L seven seven one to seven seven five .
24 talk you know there was the Notts County Council on the erm gully problems that we get in , is it possible to write to the County Council to ask them what sort of maintenance programme they 're going to give us now , as regards this cos I 've not seen this wagon going round so frequently as it used to .
25 I was messy and I 've always said that
26 It was here when it started and the ward was empty and I 've watched it fill up , and now I 'm watching it empty again .
27 Basically , the things I 've been involved in have always been different and I 've been lucky .
28 But I was asked the same thing after Duncton Wood came out , I said I 'd never do another and I 've written five more .
29 Ring them up and say ‘ I hope you do n't mind me messing you about like this but I 've been thinking over your kind offer , and I realize I could fit it in after all because of a sudden change of circumstances at home and my mother 's coming down to help me out — oh , and if there 's a spare ticket — ’
30 Dear Helena , I do n't really rea really know how to put this but I 've had I 'll have a go .
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