Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i would " in BNC.

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1 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
2 Either that or I 'd imagine
3 It was at moments like this that I would reflect on concepts like the ‘ community ’ of work and how lost one can be without it .
4 I did not threaten to resign but I did make it clear that I would not endorse changes I could not justify .
5 I had tried to be first in order to get it over with quickly but now it was clear that I would be under the gaze of most if not all of the class .
6 " Foolishly , I dined with him to make clear that I would n't see him again and that if he persisted with his unwanted attention I would have no choice but to go to you .
7 If , on the basis of this , I were to proceed to make very careful observations of the weights of a wide variety of human earlobes , recording and categorizing the many observations , I think it is clear that I would not be making any significant contribution to science .
8 Mr. Bill Walker : I have made it clear that I would not be unhappy if Stagecoach ended up with the Strathtay area , but that I would prefer Strathtay bus company .
9 When I was considering the applications from Foresterhill and others , I made it clear that I would not approve an application unless I was personally persuaded that the criteria would be met .
10 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
11 I felt free that I would never have to go back . ’
12 She is asthmatic so I would very much like to get in touch with people who have had experience of an asthmatic child .
13 If the hon. Member for Fife , Central dislikes the idea of reviews , it suggests that his attitude to public expenditure is less rigorous than I would have expected .
14 For me a town was a mysterious , rather forbidding place and I was afraid that I would feel very much alone .
15 But if I had one drink of any description that 's the one thing that would make me nervous because I 'd be afraid that I 'd forget this or forget the other , so we just do n't have them at all you know .
16 Her moon-shaped face was always split with a smile , even when she was scooping up dog turds with a device the handle of which was at least two feet shorter than I would have wanted it to be .
17 The reception for visiting supporters was so different that I would like to comment .
18 And at the end of that fifty thousand years , if that 's what it is , the populations are sufficiently different that I 'd think you 'd want to put them into a different species if — I mean how are you to know , but I mean it 's a reasonable judgement .
19 Now I understand er that you know we are providing public service here and we have got allow for public access but the cost of the council of having all its officers outside of this building for over er two hours must have been absolutely horrendous and I would have thought this would be an area where improving security ought to be a high priority so what are you going to do about it ?
20 They would ask me into their classes to watch them teach ; they gave me time for interviews ; they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I at various points in my research I erm attempted to feed back to them some of the material that I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this and I would erm use those meetings then to refine my ideas .
21 getting more and more intrigued by this and I 'd like to you a question to which I genuinely do n't know the answer .
22 but she was getting there , her and Bren were er conferring you see I 'd sort of gone through what I 'd done and every now and again she 'd say well I 've done this and I 'd say well it 's right .
23 I used to go into a shop and I 'd shake and I 'd know that I was doing wrong and I 'd be really scared and I 'd just knew I do n't want to go to prison so I decide to stop it .
24 There is no doubt in my mind that it was old — very , very old and I would think pre-dated the houses by several hundred years .
25 I 'm the father of a two year old and I 'd like him in school by the age of four to learn Japanese .
26 I would always plan on a day when I felt brave and I would walk into the drugstore and see who was behind the counter .
27 Further to my letter of 26 July 1993 regarding the above , I would advise that due to other commitments , Miss Joyce Clifton will be unable to attend the Conference on Thursday 9 September 1993 and I would be grateful if you could cancel the booking made for her .
28 I mean a , I 'm a little bit different cos I would , I 'd you know me , I do n't like putting money in anything cos I I do n't like to lose money through a a lost cause sort of thing .
29 The 25-year-old , who played against Rangers on Wednesday , said : ‘ I know Eric is very popular and I would like to achieve what he has done . ’
30 The boy would speak ‘ say the Chorus from Henry V and I would go further and further away from him , forcing him not to shout but to make certain I could hear him .
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