Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No longer interrupted by shooting , the zombies continued their steady slow pace , completely ignoring the Marines other than to step around any Marine that was in their path .
2 And yet , she felt sure now , it was this that was in her mother 's mind because , as far as her mother knew , her cousin was childless .
3 ‘ I 'm afraid that 's against the house rules after eleven p.m .
4 It is not the designs that are important but their social impact ; and it is not the physical distance between new and old that is of concern , but the social distance .
5 I 've got two children in the circus , I 've got one five year old that 's at the age now where yo he 's he 's watching everything and learning everything .
6 DeVore watched Berdichev move among the men gathered there in the garden room , more at ease now than he had ever been ; saw too how they looked to him now as a leader , a shaper of events , and noted with irony how different that was from how they had formerly behaved .
7 If you do decide to do this and are in receipt of housing benefit , a widow 's or supplementary pension , you must find out first whether having a lodger would affect these benefits .
8 Voluntary organisations er , can do this and are in the best place to undertake this .
9 I would like to add here that after the PM 's announcement and the start of the siren wailing there was a dignified stroll to the shelters , but as the tempo of the siren note seemed to get more urgent the pace quickened and no one wanted to start a sprint but I , being a scrum-half , anticipated this and was in the shelter first .
10 Two out of every five people with crab lice will have some other form of sexually transmitted disease , and both doctors and patients should be aware of this and be on the lookout for other signs and symptoms .
11 Charles and Arthur Wilson were made full partners in 1867 and were by this time effectively running the company , which they transformed from a major European enterprise into an international one with routes to North America and India .
12 that any delay which occurred was reasonable and , as the judge found , justifiable and was in part the inevitable consequence of following the Home Office Guidelines ( 1985 ed. ) referred to above ;
13 Square planar and square pyramidal methane geometries are much less stable than tetrahedral and are in energy terms incapable of existence , and can only be ‘ examined ’ by calculation .
14 This was dated 11 June 1747 and was for Tilberthwaite , with a requirement that Sir John would also have a key of the mine storehouse , with free access .
15 Ohly , without being absolutely sure , thought that US foreign policy was wrong and was at least in need of urgent re-examination .
16 The cost of myocardial infarction and other cardiac illness is high and is in part the result of vocational disability .
17 This applies to some extent to the present posture of some of the leading cadres who prefer the old and are in substance quite incapable of integrating in the reform processes , and who , moreover , refuse to accept them either politically or psychologically . "
18 This represents less than 5 per cent of the issued ordinary share capital as at 24 March 1993 and is in line with guidelines issued by the Investment Protection Committees of the Association of British Insurers and the National Association of Pension Funds .
19 Tail held erect but with the tip tilted over The cat is very interested and is in a friendly , greeting mood , but with slight reservations .
20 We do not believe that this kind of analysis can be politically or morally neutral — and nor should it , for our understanding of the situation is that the penal system is morally indefensible and is in dire need of a programme of radical reform which will inevitably be highly political .
21 Back at the academy , they eat lunch at 2 and are on the court from 2.30–6.30 .
22 And Henry also sent north those men who had fallen foul of James V and been in exile in England during his personal rule , Archibald earl of Angus , his brother Sir George Douglas , and Patrick earl of Bothwell .
23 This new cultural leadership was articulated in terms of a spiritual character or aura which would elicit consent on the part of the governed and was of immense influence for the early development of the institutionalized discipline of English studies .
24 They were established in increasing numbers from the 1830s and were of varying size and kind .
25 This is a rate of 1:4888 ( 0.02% ) , which we consider acceptable and is in line with the best of current programmes , where rates of up to 0.2% have been observed .
26 He was presumably known to at least some of his fellow members — who themselves became foundation members of the Veterinary College — in particular the Duke of Northumberland , first president of the College ; Granville Penn , active in the establishment of the College , who became a member of the Society of Arts in 1788 and was in 1791 a steward ; the Earl of Morton ( one of Vial 's patrons ) ; Thomas Pitt FSA , subsequently to be one of the most assiduous attenders of meetings of the College governors , and last , but not least , Arthur Young , a member of the Society of Arts since 1769 .
27 The Soviet forces regard this as being of the highest importance and will probably regard the safe delivery of the offrs as a test of British good faith . "
28 Having changed the overdrive three times , and as this is not a common problem , we can dismiss this as being at fault .
29 Defensive measures might also be justifiable as being for the good of society as a whole ( i.e. because society has an interest in the efficient operation of the business that might be damaged if the company is taken-over ) .
30 Any asset sale which is not commercially justifiable as being in the interests of the vendor as a whole will , on the face of it , be a breach of the duties of the directors of the vendor .
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