Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] call for " in BNC.

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1 As the implications of another disastrous election defeat begin to be analysed , it is clear that calls for the Labour Party to embrace PR as a way of breaking the Tory stranglehold are gaining in strength .
2 They will highlight their plight at UNCED and call for greater urgency in efforts to combat the greenhouse effect .
3 Rutskoi was reported by ITAR-TASS on Oct. 22 as calling for the resignation of six members of the government " to stabilize the political and economic situation in the republic " .
4 The Confederation of Caucasian Mountain Peoples ( a forum for Caucasus ethnic groups ) met in Tskhinvali on April 26 and called for a reassessment of relations with Russia .
5 Encarnación Valdiva ( " the Tiger " ) reportedly replaced Morán as re-contra leader on Sept. 7 and called for fresh negotiations with the government .
6 The National Union of Public Employees said the way in which the board had acted was disgraceful and called for the resignation of all the members .
7 When Lansdowne communicated his despair about the war to the press in 1917 and called for negotiations , there was a storm of protest .
8 They proposed the withdrawal of ships carrying nuclear arms from the Mediterranean and called for all countries to abstain from deploying such weapons in the territories of non-nuclear Mediterranean countries .
9 A conference held by the two parties discussed the general election which was due in mid-1992 and called for an " independent , national body " to oversee it .
10 Barthes 's S/Z brings the reader into particular prominence first in its concept of the scriptible that calls for active involvement on the part of the reader in the production of the text ( which is not to forget that in Critique et vérité Barthes had already described the critic as someone who has actively to produce a meaning for the polysemic text ) ; and second , in its thoroughly intertextual view of literature .
11 They were undecided and called for advice at the home of Jon Langford , a former member of Leeds ' bands , The Mekons and The Three Johns .
12 Despite this clampdown , USSR Interior Minister Vadim Bakatin was quoted on Jan. 25 as calling for dialogue between officials and moderate elements within the National Front to end the violence .
13 Gorbachev met with Yakovlev , Nazarbayev , Akayev and Yeltsin on Aug. 27 and called for the Union Treaty process to be renewed , threatening to resign at the Supreme Soviet in September if the uncontrolled dissolution of the Soviet Union continued .
14 While some in the establishment may be asking whether things are not going too far and calling for the floodgates to be closed , as the careers of powerful figures come to an end , the magistrates are determined to see the process through to its conclusion .
15 When you " ve gone through all the answers , take up with the seller any that call for clarification , for example the absence of a planning consent ( suggested by your preliminary enquiries ) revealed by your search .
16 Soviet Germans , about two million strong , established a new All-Union Society of Germans in early 1989 and called for the restoration of their autonomous republic , which had been abolished at the outbreak of the war in 1941 .
17 Opposition parties in a communiqué issued on July 8 , following a mass rally , denounced the National Council as fraudulent and called for a democratically elected body .
18 These were films that had been grafted onto the Gaumont-British production programme , rather than emerging out of the script department as projects with potential that called for higher expenditure .
19 But after the hearing Mr Pratley 's family said they were not satisfied and called for a public inquiry .
20 The joint HDUR and UVR talks ended on March 24 and called for respect of rights of nationalists and minorities , for the right to education in a mother tongue and for an unbiased bilingual media to assess accurately recent disturbances .
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