Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 That rather presupposes that the firm 's books are prepared correctly .
2 amendment which I hope will financial control which is that the of financial services shall have no discretion to accept claims for the financial year ninety-three ninety-four , submitted after the thirtieth of June nineteen-ninety- four , that effectively means that that two month rule which he does have discretion on he will not have in the case of late claims in this financial year , that means we 'll know exactly what the figures are , by the thirtieth of June .
3 In fact , many years ago I was rash enough to suggest that the great Ankara melange itself ( humorously called by the locals turlu guvec — a Turkish version of Lancashire hotpot ) might be an Argille scagliose type of deposit .
4 That basically meant that Government would not stand behind the project .
5 Section 10 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and s.213 of the Insolvency Act 1986 together provide that if in the course of winding up it appears that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or other persons , or for any fraudulent purpose , the liquidator may apply to the court for a declaration that any persons who were knowingly parties to such fraudulent trading are liable to make such contributions to the company 's assets as the court thinks proper .
6 Acting was unsatisfying ; he was clear-headed enough to recognise that he was not particularly talented , and he was permanently detached from the narcissism of the self-styled Glamour Capital of the World .
7 I was n't vain enough to think that the way she had come on to me that first night was solely down to my resistless charms .
8 I am not a child to be frightened by a resolution of a board of directors , or to be soothed by the present of shares ( each carrying 10 liability ) in a company which has been losing money every year from its commencement , and which nothing short of a miracle could make pay a dividend as hitherto managed ; neither is my position in Scientific Circles here such as to render my retaining the editorship of any advantage to me — indeed , I am vain enough to think that I confer more than I receive .
9 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
10 That obviously means that the fringes will become more crowded .
11 Nothing is more frustrating than designing a pattern and taking hours to get it right only to find that , when it is knitted up on the machine , the whole thing is either squashed almost flat , or stretched lengthways so as to be almost unrecognisable as the original design , which can happen on some design systems .
12 Most motorists know that it is possible to feel absolutely certain what the matter is with the engine and to put that right only to find that the car still does not start .
13 Lord Morris said that a consideration of the facts and documents led him to the view that the solus agreement , the loan agreement and the mortgage could be linked together as an instance of one transaction and that the intention was that in providing that the mortgage should be irredeemable for the period of the tie it should become a support for the solus agreement .
14 Although perhaps vulnerable to strong winds in this position , in lighter winds it is stable enough to ensure that no tyres are needed .
15 I would have been sorrier still if she had not paraded her distress so openly , sighing and staring into space and insisting that Richard should buy her whisky , which is expensive in Morocco — in her place I should have been so humiliated and ashamed that I would have done my best to put a good face on it — but I was sorry enough to agree that she should come with us , in our car .
16 Lewis was subtle enough to see that this was at best a half-truth , and perhaps he was beginning to sense that what Tolkien 's friendship had to offer him was something rather more important than a regress to me nursery .
17 But we hope so , but I do n't I 'm not facetious enough to think that I can change a personality in a person , but what we 're trying to do is make him feel a loving and a commitment , that we are providing him with the best we can .
18 That only means that our overdraft will be cut from stlg6m to stlg5.5m ( or whatever it was ) ie. We still need the Batty money for this , and future years accounts .
19 *It is only in the last 15 years that the accumulated evidence has been strong enough to conclude that the regular consumption of up to four standard drinks a day may reduce the risk of coronary disease by as much as 50 per cent . ’
20 Fundamentally , politicians in our system are almost always guided by two considerations : first , short-term gains , since their horizons stretch only to the next election ; second , public pressure if it is strong enough to suggest that votes depend on their response .
21 Although all of this adds up to a fairly persuasive case in favour of certain types of co-operative R&D in certain circumstances , the case is not strong enough to suggest that all types of ventures will have positive ( or even benign ) effects on social welfare .
22 In other words , as tax rate rises above 45% , the disincentive effect on output is strong enough to mean that little extra tax revenue results .
23 What they were requesting was the co-operation of the Chilean Navy Yard in installing steel bits strong enough to ensure that the hawser did not again tear itself free .
24 As this growth is counteracted by thermal redispersion of the chains at the crystal-melt interface , the temperature must be low enough to ensure that this disordering process is minimal .
25 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
26 Section 3(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 expressly provides that the meaning or effect of any of the Treaties ‘ shall be treated as a question of law ( and , if not referred to the European Court , be for determination as such in accordance with the principles laid down by and any relevant decision of the European Court ) ’ . ’
27 This presumably implies that the contents had been consigned as an offering to the goddess , whose shrine or temple may have been nearby .
28 Robert this , this presumably implies that the agent is suing the name
29 This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired .
30 This expressly states that rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent .
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