Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [v-ing] them " in BNC.

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1 The local people caught them in vast numbers for food , eating them fresh or drying them in the sun , and until recently they made up 80 per cent or more of the total catch .
2 ‘ And that would be quicker than starving them ? ’
3 A project in which the children 's desire to acquire information will engender high motivation would seem a far more appropriate way of achieving this than putting them through special library lessons , divorced from any meaningful context .
4 This is much easier than keeping them in piles in a cupboard or closet .
5 The tabloid press will publish stories of dole scroungers laying in bed all day , living the life of Riley on the dole , blaming the unemployed and making them feel guilty for a desperate plight .
6 We are an organisation specialising in Stearmans and have wide experience of restoring and operating them at our Norfolk base .
7 He presented a strong message to the newly-qualified chemists encouraging them to try to win the confidence of the lay public by admitting to things that go wrong and telling them what was being done about it .
8 tearing tin cans in half and lobbing them into the
9 I remembered the time Andy and I had let down all the wheels of his dad 's car , folding matches in half and sticking them into the tyre valves .
10 People perceive the world as though it were guiding and constraining them .
11 It is here that your values and ideas about preparing children ( i.e. guiding and training them ) for life need to be worked out clearly and communicated to your youngster in the form of reasons .
12 Children 's co-operation can be secured by guiding and helping them towards some desirable action or way of thought .
13 The Rangers will help the area and visitors by advising , guiding and informing them about the Hills and the many interests to be seen and enjoyed .
14 The women and children take charge of the cattle 's night-time arrangements , gently guiding and scolding them .
15 His work on this topic is experimental and consists of introducing a series of animals to one another and watching them as they ‘ convene ’ a group in a field enclosure .
16 This involved focusing on medium-sized towns one alter another and blitzing them with publicity .
17 In case we do have a hard winter however , it might be worth potting up a few and over-wintering them , if you have n't already saved some of last year 's generously produced and well-ripened seed .
18 It was liking someone one minute and hating them the next .
19 The tasks themselves — typing , photocopying , collating , stapling — are not intrinsically interesting but doing them with others , who are eager for the same goal , is .
21 So , naturally we started to feed them separately and became more careful when giving them titbits .
22 When this person makes a short , stilted contribution encourage the speaker through obviously listening and asking them to continue : ‘ What else do you think about the proposal ? ’ or ‘ Can 1 ask Bill to say some more about his department ? ’
23 He enjoyed re-reading sermons almost as much as writing them .
24 When he spoke , it seemed to her that he was listening to his own thoughts as much as conveying them to her .
25 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
26 Instead he waited until stragglers ventured outside the walls and then picked them off one by one , capturing the Dwarfs alive if possible and tormenting them for days within earshot of the citadel walls .
27 He had the difficult task of taking the field around and beyond the covert and getting them to stand well back before he could attend to his hounds .
28 The employees would prefer profits to be lower if maximising them involves plant closures or the introduction of job-destroying technology .
29 and then getting all the the chassis numbers and that and welding them on to these stolen cars and Because what , you know , er Siobhan 's dad had a , bought a Montego and I do n't know how it came about but they discovered that erm it had a diff I mean it 's had a Maestro engine in it and it had this that and the other .
30 with all this killing of children and that and burning them alive with flame throwers , what , what if this higher , high of command , why do n't he interfere
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