Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Was change incremental or was there a sudden , sharp turning point ?
2 The licensing of the play-text rather than the performance conferred a form of authority on the written artefact and it was this that was supposedly acted .
3 It would be more acceptable if the dam made electricity , but it is silted up because the water analysis got muddled up and the river is much siltier than was originally expected .
4 There were some that were quite valuable , a Churchill , I think , and a Boss , but they were sent to his gunsmith in Glasgow , Peterson and Briggs , and they were sold .
5 I thought I had sent him some that were very good , but I received a most snarky letter from him saying " They may be very fine artists but they do n't know anything about teaching , and I 'm not interested in any of your geniuses unless they really take trouble about the job in hand " .
6 the Palladium — a cheap trick to try and convince the punters that they were in somewhere far classier than was really the case .
7 So the very few that were still on the road I really treasured and appreciated seeing .
8 Currently , the evidence is suggesting that both the motives and the actions are more prevalent than was previously supposed .
9 There was the scandal of the Westminster Council 's sale of cemeteries for 15 pence ; a report of an enterprising Yorkshireman , Edgar Dakin , who , shocked at the prices charged for memorial headstones in the conventional marble or granite , had patented his design for thermoplastic ones at a tiny fraction of the cost ; and yet another that was virtually a half-hour commercial on BBC television for the ubiquitous Hodgson Holdings .
10 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
11 Wolf arrived in Vienna on Aug. 30 and was briefly detained .
12 If the accounts of British politics between 1832 and 1867 pointed to the sovereignty of Parliament , then the accounts that came to the fore after that period made the additional point that the sovereignty of the people was behind this and was now of the constitutional and political essence .
13 I do n't know why , but it seemed important to me to establish that we have n't any fuse-boxes ( and indeed we have n't ) , but she would n't allow this and was quite stern with me about it as if I were deliberately lying to her .
14 Their purpose was quite clear and was quite different .
15 She saw Tom 's brow clear and was absurdly gratified to find that her advice was of some use to him .
16 The six other young patients were clear and were immediately isolated from the infected four .
17 He is a robust pro-European and was also the key player in securing a victory for the Prime Minister at the EC summit in Edinburgh .
18 The young Hugh Gaitskell , who had become aware of the dangers of fascism on his visit to Austria in the summer of 1933 and was greatly influenced by Dalton , summed up the attitude of this group by arguing that a general strike against all wars was ‘ an invitation to the fascist aggressors . ’
19 An Iranian delegation led by Vellayati visited Damascus on March 7-8 and was reportedly assured by Syrian President Assad that Iran would have a significant role in a post-war Gulf security order .
20 A Marine Firemen 's Union was already in existence in Hull when the Grimsby society accepted formal registration in 1872 and was later opened to deckhands .
21 Early visitors to Madeira and Porto Santo were rowed to the beach when the sea was calm and were then carried on the backs of boatmen who rolled up their trousers and waded ashore .
22 Apparently , because my employment had officially been terminated by me , I had arguably made myself voluntarily unemployed and was therefore entitled to benefit money only after a certain period .
23 This proved to be more interesting and was certainly more lively by way of finds — every few yards produced a Georgian or Jacobean halfpenny .
24 By pointing out a flower or describing a rarity he could make a walk supremely interesting and was indeed a charming companion on any expedition in the fields .
25 By now I had forgotten Vauban and was surreptitiously staring at the two seated figures .
26 Funny how it was ‘ alright ’ to like Alison Moyet because she had a proper soul voice or some such Eric Clapton fan cack but Andy Bell was not a proper singer because he liked to dress funny and was quite clearly in the rugger team drinking club .
27 erm sometimes I was able to observe lessons that went wrong and were very difficult for the teachers , as well as the lessons that were successful , so I do n't really think it emerged as problem at the end .
28 Really I think I am able to demonstrate in a written account of the research that I am presenting a very real account of their teaching and their problems , as well as their successes erm sometimes I was able to observe lessons that went wrong and were very erm difficult for the teachers , as well as the lessons that were successful , so I do n't really think it the problems at the end .
29 The roof was too high and was partly made of glass .
30 For that matter , Odysseus himself might have borrowed a trick or two from the rabbit hero , for he is very old and was never at a loss for a trick to deceive his enemies .
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