Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Profoundly deaf pupils will almost certainly need modification of the speaking and listening component , especially if they were born deaf or lost their hearing before acquiring language .
2 The restoration of the monarchy and its patronage proved a particularly valuable source of wealth and position to those who had remained faithful or changed their allegiance with a careful eye to the future .
3 Obviously most of them had them marked or had their name on them , so that they would have the same er the same set of tools every day .
4 It was the thought of this that had her standing up after about half an hour in preparation to go to her room .
5 And now it was n't the threat of being lasered in half that knotted her stomach : it was the inevitability of the sense of failure , of letting down her team , that would follow a muffed throw .
6 It was not merely the weather that made the Decoy Lodge feel gloomier , more shadowy than Louisa remembered , not merely the damp that left her bones so chill .
7 Charles White , the celebrated Manchester surgeon , was born in 1728 and received his anatomical training in London at William Hunter 's academy in 1748 .
8 Nelson Mandela was quick to condemn this and indicated his wife should be given the chance to defend herself .
9 The employers took advantage of this and exploited their journeymen by " letting them play in the morning " and calling them from their " houses of call " in the afternoon .
10 Mr Hall denied this and maintained his 270 new recruits had been bonded together by the ugly scenes which confronted them each day as they passed picket lines .
11 all this work , I took that out the door , out of there and built all this and built me garage and You see ?
12 Tsu Ma saw this and pushed his head back slightly , as if his collar were too tight .
13 The military advice given to Mountbatten was that they should not be armed , but he overruled this and gave his recognition to the AFO .
14 To her mind , these proved conclusively that Marius had decided to change his will in her favour , and that Nigel had got wind of this and forestalled his father 's plans by killing him .
15 Bose became interested in this and set his colleague Dr Shyamadas Chatterjee to work to see if there was enough to use as a source for liquid helium for their labs .
16 The minority of Labour members on the committee did not agree with this and issued their own minority report , but the most significant point about the conclusion is that the majority on the committee excluded at the outset the possibility of obtaining the evidence they would need to judge properly whether there was any abuse of power .
17 Lucie considered this and nodded his head .
18 The servant fought his way clear and delivered their drinks ; George grunted , Agnes smiled and shifted carefully on the sofa .
19 She hopped clear and opened her wings and in one sudden jump was up on the bare branch .
20 The pirates could not believe it , but Silver remained calm and changed his plan quickly .
21 She slid the cup into a pocket of her waterproof and raised her head .
22 As the crowds listened to Christ 's unconventional preaching and observed his miracles they acknowledged him as sent from God .
23 What the Henry Pratt books ( there is a second in print , Pratt Of The Argus , and a third imminent ) have in common with the rest of Nobbs ' work is his love of running gags and bizarre symmetry , an interest which made Perrin so relentlessly funny and reached its peak in the near-geometric farces of the two Bit Of A Do series .
24 He laughed loudly at things that were n't funny and littered his English with expletives to appear more at home in the language .
25 He laughed as if I had said something annihilatingly funny and kneaded my hand gently against his thigh .
26 But it went horribly wrong and ruined his hopes of finishing anywhere better than third .
27 Horses reared high and screamed their terror , men , open-mouthed , fell from their saddles .
28 She told Newsweek magazine that Mia , Allen 's lover for 12 years , was hot-tempered and terrified her children .
29 He took in ten children up to five years old and guaranteed their upbringing and education to the age of eighteen .
30 Both were boys of 8 years old and had their imaginations fired by Perry Mason , a fictional TV lawyer who helped the poor .
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