Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Even a table of results can be frightening , confusing or at least boring to many people unless a summary interpretation of the content is made available .
2 This process should lessen the chances of pricing too low or of needlessly giving away other concessions like favourable payment terms .
3 returning school-age pupils to full-time or at least part-time education and
4 It 's estimated that one in seven of the part-time workforce has some kind of caring responsibilities , and many of them are attempting to maintain a full-time or at least a part-time job , while carrying those responsibilities .
5 Themistokles , as well as Kimon , perceived the political value of a friendly or at least neutral Delphi : in about 478 , when Sparta tried to expel the medising majority from the Delphic Amphictyony ( the federal organization which decided the sanctuary 's affairs ) , it was Themistokles who opposed them , arguing that to get rid of the medisers would make the Amphictyony unrepresentative of Greece : more bluntly , it would make a present of Delphi to Sparta ( Plut .
6 I 've just been up to the Wembley exhibition of word processor , and one of the things I noticed there was the increasing number of processors and packages which I think you would describe as friendly or at least semi-friendly to , to help people .
7 In practise the use of successive dilutions using the drinking glass is the most useful method to effect this or by simply reducing the dose given from the stock bottle e.g. a half-teaspoonful instead of a full one if the medicine is being dosed directly without the use of glasses .
8 The instructor should encourage the pilot to talk through his thoughts aloud to find out whether not using the airbrakes is caused by failing to realise the glider is too high or by not being quick enough to decide and act .
9 Such posts as this were intended for the sons of the well-heeled or at least the well-connected .
10 When , however , the hostilities did begin , for most Frenchmen they ended , ignominiously , with imprisonment by the Japanese while for those in the north who together with their Vietnamese riflemen fought the Japanese with exemplary heroism , dying in beleaguered garrisons or making a fighting retreat to the Chinese border , their fate precipitated the most unpleasant or at least the most unfortunate disagreement between the Allies .
11 At least 88 per cent of sewage from coastal towns is discharged into the sea raw or after only basic screening to sift out solids .
12 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
13 However , whether the appointment was said to be express or by necessarily holding the debtor out with ostensible authority such an appointment must in practice be a very rare event .
14 It was reported on Oct. 30 that at least 14 people had been hurt and 40 arrested when protesters attempted to prevent 27 members of the KKK from marching in Washington DC .
15 When you realise that 90 are now considered a reasonable number , it is clear that at least one thing has not changed for the better .
16 It is … clear that for both Nozick and Rawls a society is composed of individuals , each with his or her own interest , who then come together and formulate common rules of life .
17 Also , although there were marked fluctuations in the number of admissions from year to year , it is clear that from about 1490 the numbers of those admitted at York were consistently lower than they had been from the mid 1380s to the 1440s .
18 However well the country may have been served by the largely unco-ordinated activities and initiatives of the past , we are clear that from now on they are not good enough .
19 When the votes were announced it became clear that by far the greater number of the new members were on the ‘ progressive ’ wing of the Church .
20 It is clear that in both Australia and New Zealand there is a continuing ferment arising from conflicting support for the old or the new .
21 Luckily , the picture has altered as it has become clear that in agriculturally wealthy areas , where farmers were often owner-occupiers , they lavished great attention on their houses .
22 Some 40 per cent of women with gonorrhoea are found to harbour the bug in the rectum and it is clear that in only a minority of cases has the gonococcus been ‘ placed ’ there .
23 Some will not deal direct except in very large quantities .
24 Of course , he does not care a rap whether it is true or not — but he is dreadfully afraid that by prematurely espousing it he might lose some subscribers , though he acknowledged to me the other day he thought it would be generally accepted before long . ’
25 To meet some of this demand close to the city , where housing can be better served by public transport , and where journeys to work will be shorter than from more remote areas , some Green Belt land , for example to the south east of the city , will be developed .
26 Details about this and about how to obtain an application form are given in the section of this book ‘ Applying to Edinburgh ’ ( page 24 ) .
27 He jumped to head it clear and by now Blissett was approaching .
28 Usually these situations arise from running out of height on the circuit , but they can also arise from arriving back far too high and by badly planned manoeuvring in an attempt to correct that kind of position .
29 The concrete walls are six feet high and from there to the eaves spaced timber cladding breaks the wind and gives good ventilation .
30 It gave Scarlet the impression that she had grown very old and from now on might just as well go round in her shroud .
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