Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 Didier Pironi told me they were about to leave the circuit for a hotel to meet in private where they could not be coerced by their bosses and , as it happens , along with a half-dozen other early colleagues , my car was well placed to follow the bus as it drove off .
2 And we 've got quite a bit well either that or we could watch the programme and then wash up , clear up and go to bed .
3 I could have done that or I could have done the instrumental album .
4 So you 've put your marks every two squares , but you do n't need to write all the numbers in you could just write say erm two , four , six , eight or you could just write five , ten , fifteen , twenty , twenty five .
5 But , having said that , if you feel , particularly with schemes that you are particularly familiar with , that that one is above or another or we could substitute rather than , there wo n't be any more money , that 's the point I need to stress I think .
6 Lydia was so annoyed at this that she could n't think where to begin but promised herself that Finn should suffer for his insolence .
7 She was so relieved to hear this that she could not make any further self-sacrifice .
8 ones the or others , if you 're getting stuck on them , do n't miss something like this that you could do and get full marks .
9 They did not threaten me personally , but they made it clear that they could kill us all .
10 The water was warm and still and so very clear that they could see the lights of the suspended arc-lamps even before they dipped below the surface of the darkened Aegean .
11 The friends of Montrose who supported the various candidates were very troublesome , for political management required careful and friendly replies , and it was clear that they could not all be given the answers they expected or hoped to receive .
12 The Committee concluded , however , that whilst these factors were of relevance to sentencing , it was less clear that they could form an appropriate basis for distinguishing one offence from another .
13 It was four years ago , and that was when it was clear that they could n't hold out against comprehensivization any longer .
14 In a sharply critical personal statement in the House of Commons on Nov. 13 he said that the so-called Madrid conditions for UK entry into the ERM , agreed by the European Council in June 1989 [ see pp. 36740-41 ] , had come into existence only after he and the then Chancellor of the Exchequer , Nigel Lawson , had made it clear that they could not continue in office unless a specific commitment to join the ERM was made , and he accused the Prime Minister of increasingly risking leading herself and others astray in matters of substance as well as of style .
15 The Commissioner states in his report : ‘ Because it seemed to me that the Minister 's letter implied that the NHS had an absolute duty to provide care for the complainant 's father once it became clear that he could no longer meet the nursing home fees , I asked the DoH for clarification of the legal position and invited their general views . ’
16 Mr Berge anticpated , making it clear that he could see no necessity for such an attitude .
17 The SNP leader , Alex Salmond , has already made clear that he could tolerate a deal with Labour .
18 He made it quite clear that he could see no other way out of the situation .
19 She compromised with China in agreeing to the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997 and with the Zimbabwean nationalists over the Rhodesian negotiations , when it became clear that she could not get her way .
20 Some of her nails were still silver , Lee noticed , and some were so clear that she could see the blood through them .
21 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores like shopping and housework when I needed it .
22 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores like shopping and housework when I needed it .
23 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores , like shopping and housework , when I needed it .
24 Notwithstanding the problems it was clear that I could emulate to some extent the effect of the shoulder rotation ( shoulder torque ) and movement of the wrist ( wrist torque ) .
25 I exhibited at the exhibition for several years but abandoned this when it became clear that I could not compete with the accuracy of the machine-made product .
26 I thought we 'd been getting on pretty well but as Father 's Day approached , Joe made it clear that I could n't hope to be any more than just second best
27 The head of the Bonn Chancellery , Rudolf Seiters , said the West German government had made it clear that it could not make any concessions regarding its embassies in other countries and that no East German would be turned away from any West German mission abroad .
28 It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers .
29 Yet by 1956 it was clear that it could not live safely either with the West Bank re-incorporated into Jordan or with a Palestinian state in the West Bank .
30 Although the Committee 's terms of reference excluded manual records , its Report makes clear that it could not justify on grounds of logic or justice the exclusion of manual records from any data protection legislation based upon general data protection principles .
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