Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Victoria ’ is a reliable variety which is large , self-fertile and can be enjoyed either fresh or or cooked
2 That one or two might make enough money to pass as legitimately successful , but that most would go on hoping for and talking about the ‘ up for none touch ’ that was just around the corner if only this and that fell into place until they became little more than saloon-bar bores .
3 I suppose English critics will always work on the old lines , and try to get behind the book to quiz the author … instead of seeing that he is almost irresponsible , that it is the result of haphazard circumstances , and that the writer rubs his eyes and wonders how this and that got into his pages as much as the reviewer does .
4 I had n't asked to do it , but in fact found it very interesting and that took me as a result into trade union negotiations and finally into becoming personnel director .
5 I made him close to forty years old and that meant the stubby Mauser he was holding was in good hands .
6 But this captain 's bosses were different and that made the captain different .
7 I did my best , but I suppose it was during that time that I began to drink too much and that finished off my promotion chances .
8 It opened up a three-shot lead going into the second and that gave us a nice little cushion to work with .
9 We went to Lytham three weeks early and that paid off .
10 I thought of my interest as being in subjects rather than individual works ; showing subjects rather than the summation of an idea made my objective clearer and that meant presenting the complete thought process .
11 He says he spent two weeks in hospital when he was helpless and that brought it all home to him .
12 Too many NILP members , he asserted , were ‘ unable to distinguish between the social force represented by Labour and that represented by Liberalism ’ .
13 One Labour MP , Sir Alfred Broughton , was away sick and that proved decisive .
14 She was fine and that gave me the courage to go on , then the unveiling was held up because the trustees thought it would be controversial and it was …
15 But their styles were really very dissimilar and that became very plain from the moment really that Mr Callaghan took over .
16 Is that it all or or did you try it ?
17 Biliary endoprosthesis insertion for choledocholithiasis is an important alternative means of establishing drainage in selected cases , and is probably the optimum method of management for the elderly and or debilitated patients with previous cholecystectomy .
18 In patients without a gall bladder the biliary related complications have been negligible and probably for the elderly and or debilitated patients , this represents the optimum method of management .
19 ‘ I had time in the wilderness when my form was not good and that taught me a few lessons .
20 And er the people who lived in the flats felt unprotected and and isolated from er from police support .
21 Brilliant and that came to the same as one quarter .
22 Like from Road at , and er I think I 'm not sure whether or did n't use to use it as well .
23 Engine-drivers recruited from Britain earned a great deal more than and regarded themselves as distinctly superior to those white employees who were recruited in India .
24 The Blessed Virgin was immaculate and that meant unspotted .
25 They were looking , he told the delegates , for a socialism that ‘ renounced everything that deformed socialism in the 1930s and that led to its stagnation in the 1970s ’ , a socialism that would inherit the ‘ best elements ’ of the thinking of its founding fathers together with the constructive achievements of other countries and social systems .
26 Jochim won it Greyson not a very good ball Gemmell wins it back for Forest now Black forward Collimore 's offside and that looked a very close decision .
27 The central point of the book is a reflection of a non-technical ‘ wider ecumenism ’ , ‘ a juxtapositioning of mental shapes or ideas through which the poet had learned to look at life , his own and that reflected by others . ’
28 In another letter he wrote : ‘ I did n't see a cock the whole time — except my own and that glimpsed only briefly in a cracked mirror . ’
29 John Muir 's header rocketed wide and that left a final score of 2-0 to Doncaster .
30 That 'll be alright so cos he slid his my brief case and er I got all the way home , no problem at all , I 'd got newspaper under the back , so it did n't scratch the back when I come to come down Mill Road this lorry 's go , I mean I got the tail gate up and er I sort of looked in the mirror , I thought oh my goodness my tail gate , I could hear it so and I braked a bit sharp and that slid down and scratched along the dash board !
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