Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Whether your baby grows up to be right or left-handed may not be just a matter of chance or heredity .
2 The current Building Regs are the 1985 edition : books published in 1986 or later should be reasonably accurate .
3 If the girl is under 13 , the maximum penalty is life imprisonment , since a girl of 12 or under can not have sufficient knowledge of the consequences of sex , or sufficient maturity of judgment to take decisions on those consequences .
4 And the they used to when they would speak Orcadian among their their pals and then when they when they were playing games all the kids the Orcadian ones whether they were Orcadian or not would adopt this American drawl and they all spoke like that .
5 Whether these compromises are acceptable or not will be up to those of us parting with our money !
6 But they may be otherwise arranged as for instance the two ways whether end to end in line , at an angle to one another or otherwise may be oppositely inclined from opposite sides of the head bay and terminate at foot each in its own tail bay connected with the lower pond .
7 ‘ I told you from the start when we arranged all this that today would n't be a good day , Rebecca .
8 For example , the distinctive 60cm bed of laminated diatom ooze which occurs at the base of the 4.4Myr interval is present at sites 847 , 849 , 850 and 572 and so may be correlated over a longitudinal extent of at least 2,000km .
9 And they want to know why … ’ cos the other children have got them and why ca n't they have this and why ca n't they do this … it 's hard , it 's really hard on them .
10 How do you think Rhodes and Duncan and Goodwin would explain this and how would they differ ?
11 It is important to realise that divine impassibility is an aspect of God 's immutability , that God is utter perfection and completely self-sufficient and therefore can not be subject to change .
12 A shame , a shambles , a fiasco and a farce ; that 's the damming verdict on this year 's Grand National and the arguments about what went wrong and why will be running for longer than the race .
13 Some cases might be summed up as ‘ What have they been doing wrong and how can they be put right ? ’
14 It is thus both a ‘ What have they been doing wrong and how can it be put right ? ’ and a ‘ Which way should they go now ? ’ case .
15 A Rottweiler who is both biddable and hard will have the true Rottweiler character .
16 The number of modules which are offline records the number of modules which are offline and therefore can not be hard copied .
17 ‘ Clearly , we are not going to rewrite the Manifesto , but our strategy for 1993 and beyond will be thrashed out by Council in the light of the responses and the priorities that they identify . ’
18 For simplicity , we assume that both relationships are linear and so can be drawn as straight lines as in Fig. 3 .
19 They had chanced upon a look which was popular and yet could be varied in dozens of different ways ; the neck could be scooped , V-shaped or square , the sleeves could be full , tight or removed altogether ( so that it became a pinafore ) , and the waistline could be moved up or down .
20 A Kentish hegemony in south-east England at this time is not , therefore , wholly out of the question , and Offa 's intention in intervening in 784–5 and thereafter may have been to gain mastery of it and contain it .
21 An example of Wimsatt 's ( 1958 : 147 — 8 ) is what he calls the metaphor , and many would call the simile , in the last line of this passage from Donne 's ‘ A Valediction : forbidding mourning ’ ( like Eliot , the New Critics were particularly attached to the Metaphysical poets ) : The comparison between the lovers ' separation and the hammering of gold into leaf-form brings together two terms which are clearly quite different and therefore might justifiably be described as opposites ; and the conjunction of meanings thus established creates a series of connections ( the relationship between the separated lovers is like gold leaf in that it is ethereal ( ‘ ayery ’ ) , delicate , easily damaged , but at the same time precious , pure , bright , etc. ) , which when related to real experience possesses considerable illuminating force .
22 Items abandoned and not owned by anyone no longer belong to another and so can not be stolen .
23 ‘ Even if such measures are painful and certainly should not be the only way to cut costs , an analysis of the present economic situation in our most important markets leaves no other choice , ’ he said .
24 One way is to change the angle of the shot so that the light comes cross-wise and hence will not be reflected straight back to the camera .
25 I mean I 've got , I mean I do n't mind this but why should n't you do it ?
26 In the selection of prizewinners , the criterion applied would not require comparison of one student against another but rather would require the comparison of one student 's achievement against previous expectations .
27 how would you think the weather , I mean we 're being a bit flippant but how will the weather affect the Pisan team ?
28 It is doubtful whether much can be gained by trying to achieve any greater precision than that suggested in the definitions above .
29 We can have a go at this as well ca n't we ?
30 The figures below ( Table 1.1 ) show that whereas the total size of the population aged 65 and over will not rise substantially ( it will in fact fall between 1991 and 2001 ) , those aged 85 and over will almost double in number in England and Wales , from just over half a million to almost one million ( an increase of 88 per cent ) .
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