Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 Where , unless somebody 's fallen asleep or something has bored somebody to death .
2 If they just make it totally private where everybody has to pay
3 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
4 The often mentioned ‘ crisis ’ in British broadcasting — ‘ crisis ’ , in Gouldner 's phrase , being that the system ‘ may , relatively soon , become something quite different than it has been ’ — thus acts as a backdrop for numerous contemporary analyses of broadcasting .
5 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
6 It follows from this that there has never been , and never could be , an empirical human society of other than miniscule size in which all the individuals were , even approximately , " equal " , other perhaps than in the theological sense of " equal before God " .
7 We can see from this that there has been a rise in the reliance on current liabilities in 1988 compared to 1984 .
8 Nevertheless , it is clear that something has happened in Lothian to diminish injecting prevalence among clinic attenders .
9 It is not clear that one has to postulate anything more than a reaction like Pavlov 's dog learning to anticipate its dinner whenever it hears the bell .
10 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
11 It seems clear that what has happened here is that Johnson has forgotten about the problem of finding ways of making meaning plain and has shifted to a different lexicographical problem , namely how to provide an exhaustive definition of words so that their entire meaning is made explicit .
12 As regards others who are terminally ill and whom the law regards as incompetent — for example , the unconscious , the mentally ill , the mentally handicapped , or the seriously confused — it is not clear that anyone has authority in law to consent to or refuse treatment on their behalf .
13 It is clear that he has been speaking for some time .
14 It is clear that he has a well-defined professional identity and authenticity which have their roots in his strict adherence to his own therapeutic tradition ( ayuverdic medicine ) , in contrast to the ‘ flexibility ’ and eclecticism of many therapists in the West .
15 The hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) has not had the advantage that I have had of studying these applications with very great care , and it is quite clear that he has not addressed the issue in any great substance .
16 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will make it clear that he has accepted that point .
17 It is quite clear that he has failed to read not only the Bill and the report of the Committee 's proceedings but his own party 's policy document ’ Raising the Standard ’ .
18 But it is clear that she has no diplomatic status in the United Kingdom and has no recognition from Her Majesty 's Government as a representative of the Republic of Somalia in this country .
19 As a producer , MacCabe is naturally enough dismayed by this pro-directorial bias : ‘ If you look at what 's been happening to British cinema over the last 10 years or so , then it 's clear that it has tended to be production-led — names like Working Title , Palace Films or Zenith are as important as those of any individual director .
20 Since then the firm has managed to bring the amount of zinc in the effluent down to about 20 p.p.m. , but the agency has made it clear that it has to go below that .
21 some women do and I 'm not quite clear that it has to be so definite as as er
22 The Commission has made it clear that it has no proposals for guide prices on coal contracts or for Community subsidies for coal production .
23 The Royal Horticultural Society ( RHS ) has made clear that it has yet to develop a conservation policy and will continue to give awards for plants collected in the wild .
24 We are all very saddened that she has died .
25 Moneymen hope that parliament will act faster on this than it has on company-law reform .
26 Well , he was more interested than he has been given credit for , and he had a wonderful collection of eighteenth-century English books which he gave to Trinity College , Cambridge .
27 He says drug corruption is now so prevalent that it has tainted the assembly , the courts , and press and television .
28 This perspective is so prevalent that it has spread far beyond medical , health and welfare agencies to influence fundamentally most people 's approaches to Disabled people .
29 CS : ‘ You can say all you like , but it 's clear that soul music is more popular than it has ever been , worldwide . ’
30 The time and dedication demanded do not seem to put people off : the course is so popular that it has had to shift from a country house to a conference centre on an industrial estate in the Midlands .
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