Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] give " in BNC.

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1 One would predict that where a particular sibling is not willing or able to give support they are unlikely to receive it , except perhaps if they have given assistance in the past .
2 Each passenger is a different face of white colonialism : the overt racist who can not bring himself to use a Black doctor to treat his sick wife ; the hypocritical racist who secretly has an affair with his Black housekeeper ; the white liberal who alternates between ’ slumming ’ it with the natives , and living with the whites , not quite willing or able to give up his white privilege .
3 But this year satellite monitoring indicates a possible increase in the incidence of burnings , after a rainy season shorter than usual gave way to three months ' drought .
4 Banks estimates that some 3 million pamphlets and leaflets were circulated between 1879 and 1921 urging family limitation , while over 1 million between 1876 and 1891 gave details of contraception .
5 Tables 6.6 and 6.7 give two views of this shift , considering different time periods and employing different classifications .
6 Reports on Oct. 12 and 13 gave widely differing accounts of casualties .
7 Solti 's conducting is simply too unstable and volatile to give much satisfaction , showing his inexperience at the time in Wagner ( how sad Knappertsbusch was n't given the assignment ) .
8 Teacher Margaret Howker says , ‘ Art is never good unless it 's messy and this gives children and parents an opportunity to get messy . ’
9 By a notice of appeal dated 20 May 1992 the health authority appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the court had no jurisdiction to grant a mandatory injunction requiring a health authority to cause specified medical treatment to be given , alternatively , no jurisdiction to order it to cause such treatment to be given against the professional judgment of its servants or agents ; ( 2 ) the judge had erred in holding that he was not bound by the decision in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 to hold that there was no such jurisdiction ; ( 3 ) there had been no material before the court to justify the judge granting a mandatory interlocutory injunction since ( a ) there was no evidence that the health authority owed J. any enforceable duty to provide the ordered treatment , or that such treatment would be in his best interests ; ( b ) there was uncontradicted evidence before the court that the treatment ordered would be painful and ineffective to give J. a prospect of long term survival and ( c ) there was no material establishing that there was a reasonable or any prospect of a final order being granted in the terms of the interlocutory order ; ( 4 ) if the court had jurisdiction to make the order the judge erred in the exercise of his discretion in that ( a ) he had failed to give sufficient weight to the uncontradicted medical evidence or to the undesirability of seeking to force a doctor to act against his professional judgment and/or requiring the employer of the doctor to do so , ( b ) he had failed to consider that the order was capable of interfering with the health authority 's duty to care for other patients , and ( c ) by its terms the order was too imprecise to enable the health authority to be able to ascertain how it should be complied with .
10 The evidence was overwhelming , but none so precise and clear as that given by a Mr Bryant and his teenage daughter .
11 What they definitely do indicate are the extremes of weight problems ; where your weight falls higher than the amount given under the large-frame weight for your height , or lower than that given for the small-frame weight for your height , then you have problems .
12 Because the film includes no genital close-ups or explicit sexual activity , it has played in many parts of the world , occasionally with a classification less restrictive than that given to so-called ‘ hardcore ’ sex films .
13 Despite Edward 's concern to obtain a wide measure of support for the war and consent for the financial exactions it necessitated , the measures the government took to raise money and supplies in 1338 and 1339 gave rise to grievances which resemble those which underlay the conflicts of Edward I 's last years .
14 Tables 2.1 and 2.2 give details of the relocation and redundancy provisions .
15 To fulfil the terms of reference for the task , to work hard , and to create a product that is innovative , internally consistent and well-written gives satisfaction .
16 Articles 45 and 48 give priority to government projets de loi ( bills ) and allow the government to intervene in the navette ( when legislation shuffles back and forth ) between the Assemblée and the Senate , overruling the latter .
17 In sunlight the rotor disc becomes visible and this gives more information on the roll attitude of the model .
18 This time we grow two new branches from node 5 to nodes 7 and 8 to give nodes 0 , 1 , … , 8 of Fig. 11.1 .
19 namely Thucydides ) , but voting techniques were not : there was no counting of votes at all ( something which would have taken several hours when the agenda was as crowded as that given at the beginning of Demosthenes ' fiftieth speech of 362 BC ) , and the ‘ consensus ’ was determined by a show of hands , which tellers then adjudicated , in a fashion no more precise than that of a modern shop-steward who ‘ counts ’ a sea of hands at a trade union mass meeting .
20 Nick Tomlinson , of Mold , the new Flintshire county champion , after rounds of 70 and 71 gave him a winning two-round total of 141 at Padeswood and Buckley .
21 Think of them in groups of threes and that gives you four dotted ?
22 The blood is deliberately strong and thick to give the baby the most benefit .
23 JEWKES : And will you , sir , for a fit or two give up such an opportunity as this ?
24 To make a wide Aran style panel the crossovers should be restricted to possibly one-over-one or two-over-one to give the impression of trellis and , when worked straight up with the work , as twisted narrow braids , both characteristic or traditional Aran knitting .
25 They never made love with the light on and the act itself was too brief and impersonal to give her any pleasure .
26 The last through working from Aberystwyth is at 15:21 , the 17:25 and 19:26 giving connections at Machynlleth eastwards .
27 Low pay and high prices mean they have to walk further to find cheaper goods , which take longer to prepare , and men sometimes feel marginalised and turn to drink and violence when their women are too tired or busy to give them attention .
28 With each equation the average rank given to correct words is better than that given to incorrect words .
29 Table 2.7 of the Employment Gazettes of 1981 and 1986 give the following figures for unemployment ( thousands ) in the UK in April of 1979 and 1986 : Draw age-sex profiles for the two years .
30 I , II and III give the labelled oligonucleotide used .
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