Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 An l.e.d. requires 2V approximately between its ends to make it work and the output from the stereo would hardly achieve this or might only do so intermittently with loud sounds .
2 He even wanted to carry on after hearing about his problem , but the Doctors made it clear that would almost certainly be fatal .
3 By the time the interviews were to start , there was an atmosphere prevalent that might best be described as ‘ heightened excitement ’ .
4 This is his final total after he 'd been all the way round St Aldate 's , he went round 73 houses , and he says here , I think this is a sort of hieroglyphic that would probably mean something like 'item' .
5 It was far easier than might now be supposed to remain ignorant of the deplorable housing in English cities , even where it affected the great majority , as in the London of Little Dorrit , with its 10,000 responsible houses and 50,000 lairs , ‘ where people lived so unwholesomely , that fair water put into their crowded rooms on Saturday night , would be corrupt on Sunday morning ’ .
6 Obtaining planning permission for developments has been much easier than would otherwise be the case .
7 They enable the text of bills to be much shorter than would otherwise be possible and so much time is saved on the discussions of new legislation .
8 She bounded off as though over stepping stones , from one object to another that would scarcely hold , old tyres , old boots , the ribs of crates from which the seagulls were dislodged in resentment .
9 The idea of death as a transition from one phase of life to another that could only be satisfactorily effected by performing the appropriate rituals became the pattern for dealing with other natural changes .
10 We would be grateful for any advice on how to achieve this and would also be interested in hearing from other community groups .
11 I decided that they simply would n't have understood why I 'd done this and would now feel too hurt and abused ever to want to see me again .
12 DesignaKnit will warn you of this and will also advise you of the number of stitches and rows needed for the best result , in terms of both detail and proportion .
13 The child , from his or her position of vulnerability , will accept this and will often keep silent — sometimes for years .
14 Squinting through my salt encrusted eyelids I had to agree her estimation was probably accurate ; affirming that we were well clear and would soon be safely around the point did n't seem adequate reassurance .
15 The population in 1961 was 629 but has now risen to just over 800 and will probably remain at this due to the closeness of BP Chemicals which dominates the skyline at Saltend .
16 The methods by which Berenzoid intends to sell the product are interesting and may actually get around most of my objections , as they intend installing the packages for their existing bureau customers .
17 The fuel , dormant and immobile , will now be transformed into heat and light and can never again resume its former state .
18 Speaking before the service , Dr Poyntz said that his sermon would be ‘ very direct ’ but added : ‘ Wrong is wrong and must always be condemned ’ .
19 However , the patterns used in these studies were extremely coarse and could probably be discriminated by developing tricks like scanning the eyes across the stimuli and judging how much the brightness changes during the course of the scan .
20 For their part , although the die-hard aristocratic opponents of change were desperately anxious about opening the floodgates , they nevertheless came to see that the price of resistance was becoming too high and might even bring disaster and revolution .
21 The fit ‘ young elderly ’ are already an important resource for caring for the very old and may more become so .
22 Although he was nine years old and would soon be moving up to the big school , Frankie was still frightened of the dark .
23 We need a man , a strong man , now ; for I am myself old and must soon die . ’
24 Well — the man is old and can no longer show off in such an aria as that in Act II — ‘ Fuor del mar ho un mar nel seno ’ .
25 She is also known for being frugal and will often only serve visiting supporters after running a used teabag three or four times through a mangle .
26 The journalists can ask their questions direct and can also air any grievances or problems in an informal atmosphere .
27 As the 1988 Education Reform Act comes into effect , the local authorities ' share of educational expenditure is diminishing and will probably continue to diminish , though it is impossible to predict by how much .
28 As a result of the Group 's hedging policy , the benefits of these currency movements will partially impact 1993 and will clearly be seen in 1994 .
29 Due to the Group 's currency hedging policy the benefits of currency movements will partially impact 1993 and will clearly be seen in 1994 .
30 The Bruce field ( BP : 37% ) will start producing in 1993 and will soon provide almost 10% of the UK 's gas needs .
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