Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] for those " in BNC.

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1 used only for those beyond redemption .
2 Having argued that animals can act intentionally ( to which I will return in the section on autonomy ) , he thinks this to be ‘ possible only for those who are self-conscious ’ ( 1983 : 75 ) .
3 Other NHS treatment is free only for those from countries with reciprocal agreements , such as Australia , the European Community , refugees and those who have taken up residence here .
4 The last lines quoted , which are also the last lines of the Canto , reveal this clearly for those who know The Cantos : the paradoxical coupling of the fluid ( the waves ) with the fixed ( the crystal ) is what Pound regularly sees as the essence of the authentic artifact .
5 So these first results indicated that quantum mechanics is adequate even for those situations where nonlocal effects might seem to be necessary .
6 Since more than 90% of vaccines produce anti-HBs , routine post-vaccination screening is appropriate only for those few persons in whom suboptimal response is likely and whose medical management or employment duties hinge upon knowledge of their immune status .
7 ‘ This would be great for travelling — and warm enough for those brutal Russian winters , ’ said Saska , as our star slipped into something decidedly comfortable , and performed a rather more professional twirl than most make-over ‘ guinea pigs ’ can manage .
8 Ah , yeah , yeah , so , you take that off , you take the six off for those boxes that 's a hundred , take fifteen off for the t-shirts , you 're talking eighty five pounds then .
9 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
10 In this case , the confidence of the black group was rather low both for those who were right ( mean confidence 1.4 ) and those who were wrong ( mean confidence 1.7 ) .
11 ‘ Both races hope for prosperity , prosperity means expansion , expansion means immigration , immigration means British ’ ; the syllogism was false , in logic and experience , but it was good enough for those who did not want to go where logic and experience pointed .
12 There 's enough space for whose who want a challenging gallop and captivating scenery all around for those who prefer a more leisurely pace .
13 It 's tough enough for those who stay .
14 In Sare itself apparently , on Sundays in October , a special mass is said in the church at 3 a.m. for those who are going out shooting , and the celebrant is later repaid for his early rising by a gift of live palombes .
15 The pains of living in an overcrowded island are apparent enough for those who have to travel inside it .
16 CPD was made compulsory only for those members qualifying after 1 January 1981 , older members being given the choice to opt in .
17 Study of the Hebrew language is strongly encouraged by the department but is compulsory only for those students who take a full honours course in our subject .
18 In even the mildest winter , the situation was desperate enough for those in the workshops to make a form of briquette from any form of rubbish bound by rags — and sometimes wired flex — that would give the slightest measure of heat .
19 It may be fair enough for those people who retire at 60 or 65 , but consider those who were forced to take early retirement or who were sick and have now recovered . ’
20 We need not concern ourselves with its detailed definition , though it is precise enough for those in the know .
21 This is the easy part , proving difficult only for those with unsteady hands , poor vision or failure to comprehend .
22 Nevertheless , the sort of jobs offered are really suitable only for those who can accept moving across the country and living in single person staff quarters for a prolonged period .
23 At very best , any particular religion can be normative or valid only for those who happen to subscribe to it .
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