Example sentences of "[adj] [art] long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Part of the responsibility for this lies with the innate friendliness and courtesy of the peoples of Burma , and behind that the long record of the Buddhist tradition .
2 The road , now the A.838 , crosses the water by a modern bridge making unnecessary the long detour around the head of the Kyle .
3 On 21 September 1697 the long war with France was ended by the Treaty of Ryswick [ or Rijswijk ] , to which Spain and Holland were also signatories .
4 Taking this a long step further , André Cassagnes ( France ) has his own special polyester fittings moulded by a friend M.Minot .
5 MIND realised this a long time ago .
6 She laboured at this a long time , taking great care in the shaping and moulding of the tiny , human forms , but then she grew tired .
7 Or perhaps it had been clear a long time before that .
8 ‘ The petition read , ‘ It is incumbent upon the council to prevent the crown falling to issue of the pretended wedlock between his late Majesty and the lady Elizabeth Woodville , made without the consent of the lords of the land , and by the sorcery of the said Elizabeth and her mother Jacquetta — as the voice is throughout the land — privily and secretly in a chamber , without proclamation by banns according to the laudable custom of the English church ; the said King Edward being married and troth-plight a long time before to one , Eleanor Butler , daughter to the old Earl of Shrewsbury ’ . ’
9 The moving tale of Bluey the long distance shark
10 Yeah we enjoy it but it 's just such a long drive
11 with a high curved roof supported by girders forged in a Liverpool ironworks , and marble pillars and floors , ornately carved canopies , shafts of sunlight emphasising its height , and indeed , everything of a cathedral but altars and pews … . it was a relief to me , after such a long trip , to arrive at this station …
12 It was such a long trip , ’ she could n't help craning her neck to see where the old witch was .
13 And embarking on such a long trip .
14 John 's firm having been established for nearly forty years by this time , the rival Lawrence Girls were definitely more earthy in character , with not a snob amongst them possibly because they did not have such a long tradition .
15 They ca n't afford such a long delay or they will become like Camel Laird , an extinct breed .
16 But the doctors ' lawyers augue the case can not be allowed to go ahead after such a long delay .
17 But it took her such a long while before she would sit in one of these .
18 Well I think they 're so , my own I do n't mind paying a bit more for really , because they 're so last me such a long while .
19 The reason for such a long flue , which is not uncommon , is that vapours given off during smelting of lead polluted the surrounding landscape , whereas long flues allowed the fumes to settle harmlessly .
20 I 'm sorry it 's been such a long journey , but I could n't find a quicker route .
21 but er , as you say erm , really it 's such a long journey that you need a breather before you need to start to cross the channel
22 Generally speaking cannons have such a long range that it is pointless moving them about .
23 But boys have such a long range , Clelia , do pick up that crust .
24 No other industry has such a long history of coming up with environment-friendly selling points that are profit-friendly too .
25 How do you keep the material fresh on such a long tour ?
26 One explanation for all the flying muck is that , after such a long campaign , the candidates ( whose views are similar on many issues ) simply ran out of things to say .
27 Such a long passage without any breathing spaces would be trying for a single player , who would have to fit in an intake of breath where the phrasing breaks .
28 After such a long day I thought of my wife and son with ‘ What have I done ? ’ running through my head as I dropped off to sleep .
29 I ask him why he did it he said oh well he has such a long name such a very long name spoils the picture
30 Brontosaurus was a more massive version of Diplodocus , with not such a long tail ( because of the extremely small head of the Brontosaurus in comparison with their huge bodies , the name was recently changed — unnecessarily — to Apatosaurus .
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