Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll let you know definitely as soon as possible about whether to confirm the booking .
2 The fingers were clamped solid as if sewn into the material .
3 ‘ Little talk with Jesus ? ’ he said , and , halfway through reaching for a tube of tomato purée , he closed his eyes and froze solid as if overtaken by a large quantity of molten lava .
4 ‘ I was very torn about whether to use that picture , 'cause it could be seen as too sensitive , but then , why does every photo of me have to be spread legs , arms crossed , strong woman ?
5 At precisely the right moment , a heavily-built fellow with a black beard arrived and paced about , staring this way and that as if waiting impatiently for another to arrive .
6 Sore as if bruised with a sore throat , consider Phytolacca which also has a hot red face and cold limbs and body .
7 She sat up in the bed , dumbstruck , her face aglow as if lit from the inside .
8 Waterfalls of white and gold , shooting stars in scarlet and yellow , Christmas trees shimmering as if touched by fairy wands .
9 She felt compassionate like a mother and wanted to help him but the wheel had slowed down until its glow had died and she stood paralysed as if frozen in the aftermath of the death of the sun .
10 He said this as if amused by the thought .
11 My master peered down this as if expecting to see a vision at the bottom .
12 Her lips were red , half-open as if waiting to be kissed , displaying teeth as white as ivory , though I noticed one tooth slightly out of line with the others .
13 At times she was very subjective , at others quite detached as if floating outside her body .
14 Contrasted with that prospect of classical elegance is the tangle which the visitor sees ahead down the older thoroughfare : the spire of St Giles 's cathedral , entrances to courtyards in which lived men as diverse as the philosopher David Hume and the Jekyll-and-Hyde rogue Deacon Brodie , and high tenement blocks wedged against one another as if to prevent them toppling backwards into a chasm .
15 A translucent figure appeared before him , its three fingered hand outstretched as if to claim him for death .
16 Moreover , when words are spoken in continuous speech they often sound different from when spoken in isolation .
17 Others , such as whether to move house , can probably only be made much later .
18 Director Chris Pond said : ‘ People will be faced with difficult choices , such as whether to use water for baths , or save it for cooking or to water the flower pots . ’
19 I can not imagine a more uplifting experience than listening through to a sequence of Brahms 's chamber compositions such as if offered here .
20 Precipitating factors include loud noises such as alarm clocks and fire engine or police sirens ; observation of blood , accidents , and so on ; and sudden changes in body temperature such as when entering a swimming pool .
21 As you improve , start to bring the action into your everyday life , such as when bringing the milk out from the fridge or when picking up the post each morning .
22 Exactly , but I mean I rest my case , there 's , when you know their entire story , some of them , it makes you wonder who 's more sinning against than sinning it 's a strange affair .
23 The referendum planned for August 1991 on whether to end the one-party system would not therefore be held ; a commission would forthwith examine necessary amendments to the constitution .
24 We shoot down into the rapid as if fired out of a cannon .
25 North of the village towards Matlock Bath is Masson Mill , built by Richard Arkwright ( q.v. ) in 1738 as if to prove that nothing succeeds like success .
26 Topaz Chilcott walked behind her family , hanging back a little as if to emphasise the fact that she had never really been accepted by it .
27 She was frowning a little as if trying to concentrate , and she was even paler than before .
28 The stomach and bowels feel relaxed as if hanging down .
29 He became pale and ill as if taken by a sudden seizure . ’
30 Model styles can vary considerably , but there are certain general points to be conscious of when constructing them , ie :
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