Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even the most mercenary of foreign firms grows a little queasier about trading with a regime which shoots dead its citizens , and then tries to score popularity points by offering convict labour to foreign factories ; and even the most unreconstructed optimist can see that the resurgence of hard-line Marxists in the Peking power structure is likely to militate against further free-market reforms .
2 Both Redworth Hall , Heighington , and Hallgarth Hotel , Coatham Mundeville , have got the go-ahead for their proposed courses , while Romanby golf course , Northallerton , will be opening their 12bay driving range at the end of the month with an 18-hold , 6,660-yard course due for completing by 1994 .
3 But the death of Freddie Mills due for screening on April 6 is perhaps the most fascinating mystery , because the ex-boxer was so well known and because the case is the most recent .
4 We were apprehensive about crossing into Algeria .
5 Or a mature student , apprehensive about coping with study after such a long absence , worried about managing financially and missing your children and family ?
6 I find it rather rich for eating as a table cheese , but a few spoonfuls stirred into hot pasta is delicious .
7 The Fao area was repaired to the extent that it was possible for loading to be resumed at a restored Mina al-Bakr terminal .
8 A spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson said the company discusses investment only on a global , company-wide basis , and has said nothing specific about investing in Malaysia .
9 This is structured by hourly changes of sail or course , so that the crew can learn as much as possible about handling in the time they are aboard .
10 Beaten again : Martina Navratilova lost in two straight sets at Flushing Meadow yesterday but she in not definite about retiring from the game .
11 Well I 've got to make you look respectable for going to bed with , have n't I ?
12 I lost my temper too — I 'm sorry for shouting about the fire .
13 I say I 'm sorry for treading on her , but she just looks at me like she do n't understand .
14 Yacoubou , who attended the Group 's meeting in July , was imprisoned in 1986 for demonstrating in support of democracy , and was released in 1990 .
15 She felt strangely shy about undressing in front of him , and the look in his eyes told her he understood .
16 ‘ A lot of people feel shy about going into a Tax Office , so this is a good opportunity for them to get any help they need , ’ explained Peter Guy , the Inland Revenue 's Customer Service Manager in the province .
17 There is something decidedly odd about objecting to it that the mere psychological fact that one alternative is more pleasant than another can not by itself be a reason for choosing it .
18 Sorry about treading on your feet . ’
19 The battle was revealed yesterday by Mr Alan Rodmell after he and three friends were fined £50 each for digging for worms on the protected Budle Bay , Lindisfarne , off the coast of Northumberland .
20 1965 The Rolling Stones are fined £5 each for urinating in a garage forecourt after a concert in Romford , Essex .
21 Each club was deader than the last ; frigid and dirty , empty or inhospitable , with Robin increasingly silent and me feeling guilty for living in Hicksville .
22 She felt immediately guilty for indulging in her own private thoughts .
23 Much of the value of the method outlined in 6.1 for converting into numbers the phonetic values associated with a variable lies in its simplicity and replicability in a wide range of cases .
24 A new report by the British Government recommends that overall dietary intakes of DEHA should be reduced and that it is unsuitable for cooking in microwave ovens .
25 Southend pumps its sewage into the sea after primary treatment ; the beach at Westcliff has just been called unsuitable for swimming by the Heinz Good Beach Guide .
26 Most of such work was unsuitable for operating in winter when unemployment was highest and when carried out with an untrained labour force it was expensive or inefficient , and failed to attract the temporarily unemployed artisans for whom it was intended .
27 The buyer found it unsuitable for making into dresses .
28 At the same time , an industrial holding company was being built up by acquiring firms which , for various reasons , were unsuitable for turning into public companies .
29 Bronze bound buckets were probably manufactured cold as the metal is unsuitable for shrinking onto wooden staves , unlike iron .
30 Orimulsion , the new low-cost fuel imported from Venezuela [ see EDs 51 and 52 ] , is unsuitable for burning in power stations because of its unacceptably-toxic emissions and potential for increasing acid pollution , according to a report prepared for British Coal .
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