Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [det] day " in BNC.

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1 Everyone of , who was alive during that day still remembers it vividly , the day of the last mission .
2 Adult worm burdens are typically in excess of 40,000 , although lower numbers are often found in animals which has been diarrhoeic for several days prior to necropsy .
3 When Huw reappeared , having lain low for several days , his scars and bruises were beginning to fade and nothing more was said on either side .
4 Then , on the eve of the second Test in Madras , Gooch had his infamous encounter with a poisonous prawn that laid him low for several days and was out of the match with diarrhoea and sickness that laid him low for several days .
5 Then , on the eve of the second Test in Madras , Gooch had his infamous encounter with a poisonous prawn that laid him low for several days and was out of the match with diarrhoea and sickness that laid him low for several days .
6 His letter contained an account of all the birds he had seen : a common goatsucker that flew gracefully round and round the ship for an hour , although it had ‘ in all probability passed the night on the wing ’ ; a female yellow wagtail that alighted only for a moment ; numerous petrels , five of which he killed for himself , and one for use in Mr Yarrell 's work ( a History of British Birds ) ; a flight of swallows , and several small turtle doves , which ‘ visited the ship [ and ] went off again immediately ’ ; a kestrel which was killed ‘ from off the Rigging ’ ; a short-eared owl which flew on board during the night , was caught and kept alive for several days ; and hundreds of shearwaters , which surrounded the ship off Madeira and the Salvage Rocks .
7 ‘ Not much of that about these days .
8 The Moscow newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda suggested that one of the reasons why Pogosyan was resigning was that for several days he had been unable to secure an audience with Gorbachev to discuss developments in Armenia .
9 Well er we 'll leave that for another day now Barbara .
10 Well it 's been dry for another day .
11 Erm what else do you remember as as different about those days and and nowadays ?
12 Make the base with Oasis to keep the flowers fresh for several days .
13 He had shaved , had a shower and was fresh for another day .
14 You could n't have expected it , he had been doubtful about this day from the beginning .
15 The bridge though sturdy was not very wide , and one did not desire , on this of all days , an accident in which innocent children might come to harm .
16 That there traitor , Mrs Elswick , had to pick this of all days to come and visit .
17 Just that he 's seemed a bit out of sorts this past few days . ’
18 Each half was to operate for half of each day , allowing 50% of the pilots to be off duty at any one time .
19 Seeing how low she was , Anthony decided that she needed to get out of the house and gave her reluctant permission to spend half of each day in court .
20 Blumler shows that , since televising , the main news programmes have included an average of about 2.6 parliamentary stories a day , and that on half of these days one of these has been the lead story .
21 In hilly country , horses always like to spend some of each day on the tops of the hills : they need to satisfy their desire for the space and freedom that a hilltop provides .
22 Now I know that some of those days we sort of said hi I 'm here naturally
23 So some of these Graham stripped it down , but some of these days I 'll take a daft notion and er
24 ‘ Was n't that the one who sung ‘ Some o' These Days ’ ? ’ the old man asked .
25 ‘ I 'm sure that 's the young woman who sings ‘ Some o' These Days ’ .
26 Oh yes oh yes in my thirty odd years erm looking back now it must have been primitive in those days really .
27 There were very few birdwatchers , about sixteen in the county , and it was quite different in those days — there was none of this rushing around the countryside , 2,000 people going to look at a rare bird .
28 Besides , she was different in those days . "
29 But you know medicine was , was very different in those days .
30 Either , that time was substantially different in those days , let us say that a minute then , would be equivalent to an hour and a half now ; or that somehow Shakespeare had ‘ time on his side ’ .
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