Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under US anti-laws Ford was not due for clearance to buy more than $15m of Jaguar stock until 18 October .
2 ‘ I long to see Charity again but I 'm not due for home leave yet awhile .
3 The Treasury gave permission in 1971 for work to commence and the building operation started in the autumn .
4 If your vagina feels a little dry during intercourse use a lubricant such as KY Jelly to ease the problem of friction and bruising .
5 If pilots are apprehensive about cable breaks it probably means that they are uncertain about what they should do in all situations , and whether they can manage .
6 Pilots who are frightened or apprehensive about stalling have not been properly trained and could be a risk to themselves and their passengers if they obtain their licence without overcoming their problem .
7 However , getting the temperature just right for life to arise on a planet is so unlikely that the chances of it occurring are billions to one against .
8 Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed announced on Feb. 8 the details of a Cabinet reshuffle to take effect from March 15 [ see p. 37861 for Cabinet appointed in October 1990 ] .
9 If , however , the authority to make appointments to the board of a nationalised industry did not reside solely in Government , but in part in trade unions as the instruments of industrial democracy , the Secretary of State could no longer be held responsible for the fitness of the board to discharge its functions ; and it would no longer be meaningful for Members to ask Questions , nor possible for Government to answer them constructively .
10 On the basis of the principle of participation , for example , it is possible for man to justify controlling nature and using it for his own ends .
11 According to Gandhi , if it is at all possible for man to describe this power then it ought to be called Truth ( Satya ) , which is a derivative of Sat , which literally means that which is or exists .
12 This is seen as the great strength of the market order and an important condition for freedom : there is agreement on means but not ends , which makes it possible for society to reconcile the differing purposes of individuals within a catallaxy which is purely economic .
13 The importance of language to education was undeniable ; yet it did not prove possible for development to take place within conventional faculties or schools of education ( in 1975 , for example , departments within the University of London Institute of Education were unable to agree about establishing a language centre because of concern over who should be seen as central ) .
14 Once a DC is agreed it is possible for work to commence .
15 The progress made towards that increase allows " individual staff to commit themselves to their own professional development and makes it possible for management to accept responsibility for implementation " ( Hewton 1988:89 ) .
16 As Lord Wilberforce said in Anisminic : ‘ Although , in theory perhaps , it may be possible for Parliament to set up a tribunal which has full and autonomous powers to fix its own area of operation , that has , so far , not been done in this country . ’
17 It is certainly possible for Parliament to give limited powers of government to local authorities and to local and national assemblies but the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty means that a subsequent Parliament can repeal the relevant legislation and take back the power .
18 Under a gold standard it is possible for gold to circulate domestically as the legal tender along with banknotes which can be exchanged on demand for gold .
19 Note : For Random Access media , there is no penalty for overestimating the number of blocks value as it is possible for LIFESPAN to detect when the media is full .
20 It is possible for research to find out , for example , where people would most like to go for their holidays , and how much they could afford to spend .
21 In retrospect the most important event of 1986 may have been the conception of the new Networker train , filling a vital gap price and quality wise , at long last making it possible for NSE to plan systematic replacement of old EMUs .
22 It is not possible for example to predict that Mr Smith will have a heart attack or that Mrs Williams will fall over in the snow and break her leg .
23 It is possible for example to vary the internal geometry of the factory and thereby alter the nature of the labour process and provide for rotation of job functions .
24 Along the north bank , the crisp light was sharpening the noble outlines of majestic buildings , although it could do very little for stone blackened by the soot of ages .
25 Again , testing with a stimulus somewhat different from that used for pre-exposure produces generalization decrement both in habituation and in latent inhibition ( e.g. Carlton and Vogel 1967 ; Siegel 1969 ; Dawley 1979 ) .
26 He said the gear , similar to that used for sub-surface profiling while looking for echoes during North Sea exploration , is sitting unused in a laboratory .
27 Used for example to indicate the connection between two modules used on different computers for the same purpose .
28 They thought it normal for Daddy to get them up and dress and breakfast them , before he went down to morning surgery , and for Lucy once she was up to spend ages talking excitedly and gesticulating on the telephone , before consigning them ( with a kiss on the head ) to Nissy while she disappeared to the study to practise , and the house was filled with the cello 's dismal squeaks and groans , which always recovered eventually , into more or less of a tune .
29 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
30 Indeed , in view of the spread of the disease , it seemed somewhat unnecessary for Horizon to choose a title relating solely to Greenwich Village .
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