Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pers pn] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He was pretty emphatic about me leaving .
2 ‘ I think I would have known if she was very upset about them splitting up . ’
3 You were right about them operatin' an outside patrol , as y'kin see .
4 She was right about them letting me out .
5 I was right about him having flipped , though .
6 Well I think she could be right about it starting off as that , I do n't know .
7 ‘ The Thing is quite definite about us coming from somewhere else , Gurder , ’ said Masklin meekly .
8 The old man was paralysed now after a stroke and she supposed that she ought to feel sorry for him lying there in his hospital bed , useless as a felled tree , mouth slavering , only the angry eyes moving in impotent fury from face to watching face .
9 Oh dear , I do feel sorry for you having to do all that
10 Save The Children Fund and children throughout the world have every reason to be grateful for her unstinting efforts .
11 She was n't the shape for running , she decided , although she was growing taller suddenly — too tall for her liking , because Midnight was only fourteen and a bit hands .
12 You were not there , I was not there Saint Mark or the person who wrote this Gospel was not there Someone has recorded this for us looking back on it .
13 And all this you see so me dad said , I 'm not so bothered about him coming either .
14 Anyway , what is this about you having no money ?
15 But think of this as us helping each other — you get the promotion , and I get to take out the most beautiful woman in the office ! ’ he winked .
16 " Do n't you feel funny about me reading all the letters he writes to you ? "
17 At the Job Centre they were a bit funny about me going on government schemes because I had the baby , but I did get on one eventually .
18 You see , he would be afraid for him setting fire to the steading I suppose .
19 It seemed such an ineffectual reason for insisting on going with him but Steve was so wrapped up in himself and thoughts of seeing Maria Luisa again that he did n't even ask her if it might be painful for her facing Fernando again .
20 You know , if not , you know , if you 're very , very poor in a , in a rural area , you may think , well look , there 's , there 's this chance , no matter how , how slim of me getting a , sort of proper job in the urban area , thus you may well take that chance .
21 That they did not was evident in 1988 as 112 gentlemen archers , over half of them using the traditional longbow , took aim at the annual tournament for the ‘ Antient Scorton Silver Arrow ’ .
22 I spent a long time diving frantically after them , jamming the sheet at a bunch only to see half of them streaking out the other end , and I might have gone on indefinitely had I not felt a gentle touch on my arm .
23 They laboured inside , trailing their horses by the reins , half of them fighting a ferocious rearguard battle whilst the grypesh massed within the gate and strove to win through to the courtyard beyond .
24 Half of them going to X-ray my back , and the X-ray does n't .
25 Professionals in academic institutions often have an administrative and managerial role within the institution ; and over 80% of managers have had a college education , half of them studying liberal arts subjects .
26 His reputation was such , however , that a photographer from the New York Times arrived and another member of the audience was so overwhelmed by the occasion that she described Eliot 's face as " that of an archangel who has too much work to do , and so does only half of it leaving the rest to the North Wind " .
27 The administration of his estate took 22s. 8d. of this , half of it going on fees , plus 2s. to the pardoner for letters of pardon and 5d. to the summoner .
28 Yes well er if it 's a joint account and the income 's i i if it 's a joint account and the income 's generated from that account , then er it will be er treated as one going to the taxpayer , er you know , half of it going to the taxpayer , half of it going to the non-taxpayer .
29 Yes well er if it 's a joint account and the income 's i i if it 's a joint account and the income 's generated from that account , then er it will be er treated as one going to the taxpayer , er you know , half of it going to the taxpayer , half of it going to the non-taxpayer .
30 Anthony Smith , of the Consumers ' Association , said they had received 21 complaints about the machines — 12 of them describing serious fires .
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