Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 I know I 've made a lot of mistakes and there are probably a lot of things I should be sorry about but I would n't change my life , I would make the same mistakes because they 've taught me so much .
2 Running in a half-mile race with little pains tearing at my chest and my knees sinking lower and lower as if I were running across quick-sands .
3 that 's that for when I 've done the first ten tapes .
4 To me this is odd as if I were the president of South Korea I would have imprisoned Kim Hyun-hui and released Im Su Kyong as to me Kim Hyun-hui committed the more serious crime .
5 Erm the sums behind it I 'm not too bothered about but I 'm gon na go through them because they 're quite instructive and I dare say there 's some poor souls here who 'd actually quite enjoy me to do that so we 're gon na go through some of the sums , not now but a bit later on .
6 ‘ You are treating this as if I have accused you of some crime .
7 is n't that funny for and I 'm gon na make one .
8 No , nobody 's ever asked me , but I did say yes , but only because I want to believe it , I do n't care if the rest of you do n't , but I think its very important that you , you 've got the body that your born with and I think its very important just to go on with it and make the best of it .
9 I did n't for a long time , I was only interested in whether I liked you .
10 One of the things I was asked to write about this week I think was a radio , to , to write about er what I felt about radios , you know , er , erm , so anything could be thrown at you , and obviously I have my areas that I particularly interested in and I think sometimes I get a bit complacement and I 'm writing about a , I find particularly interested in and a bit lazy , so its quite good to be stretched .
11 ‘ The difficulty was that the chief executive was very pro-commodity trading , which I rapidly became averse to because I saw it as just another form of playing the casinos .
12 If I went to Bristol it looked very much as if I would have to go without my prop .
13 It pays out three times as much as if I check out overseas . ’
14 Er I mean there was obviously er there was some things that you were er a little bit uncomfortable about but I think you coped quite well .
15 And I was fortunate in that I had friends — musical and artistic — who knew so much more about these subjects than I did , and enjoyed sharing their knowledge with me .
16 I 'm fortunate in that I 'm trained to help .
17 So far I 've been very fortunate in that I 've been in the right place at the right time ; buying land and property in a subdued market then selling it on when demand is high .
18 The IFA were fortunate in that I was able to make it practically a full-time job because of my lifestyle .
19 No , not precisely I , I was a bit too young then , I , I remember all the songs about her Amy wonderful Amy and all those and oh and when she married Jim I was very much in but I could n't actually say I remembered her crashing at Walsall The erm you could , yeah , when I came home from work one Monday afternoon my nan said this eighty eight had gone over very low , and we , we heard that they 'd dropped this landmine this same aircraft had dropped this landmine that had gone under the gas holder at the gas works , in Road and the , they had some rescue workers from the A R P to get it out they never even bothered calling for the Royal Engineers , but the situation was that landmines used to come down on parachutes , and they used to slide into places which were inaccessible but anyway , they relied on the local Walsall A R P to get them out .
20 I 'm very sorry that as soon as I have finished this welcome this morning that I have got to leave you , and I am very sorry that I shall not be able to return this evening for your dinner which I would originally look forward very much to but I trust that you will enjoy the company of the Chairman of our Environmental Services Committee , Councillor Robin Draga , who is attending on my behalf .
21 Yeah I , I mean to be honest on that I was more conscious of the fact that we 'd only got fifteen
22 So I thought well I 'll carry one of these for when I 'm going out in my car to which , you know , and if somebody does come up to me I can use it in a positive manner while in a split second time for me , hopefully beca , cos of my range of work
23 SUMMERCHILD : Actually , I do feel a little as if I were coming face to face with my past in some kind of way .
24 I came second which I was very glad about and I received a pink certificate which I still have .
25 I 'm extremely lucky in that I have no cellulite .
26 ‘ I was lucky in that I was appointed as the group was beginning to take off so I had a very good relationship with the plc directors .
27 I was lucky in that I did n't even have to know the women I worshipped , which opened the field up somewhat — I was happy to admire from afar .
28 ‘ I 've been lucky in that I 've always had pace , but the regular training and coaching I 've had at Wigan has made me stronger and faster . ’
29 So far I have been lucky in that I have never had to work at getting the next job but there may be a point when I look up and there is no opportunity around the corner . ’
30 Doreen said : ‘ I 've been really lucky in that I 've enjoyed everyone of my 34 years with the company .
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