Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 That was what she was upset about she thought , oh dear , Scotty 's a going to be a daddy !
2 ‘ You were right about what happened to her , ’ he admitted .
3 They talked very little about what went on down there among the trees .
4 I knew so little about who had held them and how they had got out , it seemed as if they had come from a different world , a different time .
5 The fact for example that the bandit screens withstood the swinging sledge-hammer and the discharged shotgun at Heaton Chapel Branch last month did not make the experience any more palatable for anyone involved .
6 In his clumsy , fumbling way he needed to say sorry for what had happened at the club the night before .
7 ‘ I 'm sorry for what happened back there .
8 I am deeply sorry for what happened , but she had caused us all terrible unhappiness and worry . ’
9 We never did see that organ grinder again and I felt sorry about what had happened .
10 Perhaps it was this , the fact that she now had someone else to love her , that made it possible for me to make a proper apology , to stutter out confusedly , red-faced , that I was sorry about what had happened .
11 Two younger boys came in and , after an awkward silence , one of them ventured to mumble , ‘ I 'm awfully sorry about what happened and everything , David . ’
12 ‘ I 'm sorry about what happened when you came to the house , ’ she said .
13 I am sorry about what happened
14 ‘ I 'm not sorry about what happened , I 'm just sorry about you being married .
15 Look , I was sorry about what happened round at the flat .
16 ‘ We 're so sorry about what happened to poor old Goosie Lucy but she gave us no choice .
17 Look , I know you 've said it does n't matter , but I am sorry about what happened up at Handley Farm . ’
18 It is unlikely that anti-Semitism was as powerful in its motivational force for recruits in the Party 's ‘ mass phase ’ after 1929–30 as it had been for the early activist core of the NSDAP .
19 She sat like that for what seemed like ages while I tramped round the room , nervous and on edge and blabbering with the excitement .
20 We sat like that for what seemed like hours until we could not cry any longer .
21 There was another side to loving myself , that for me seemed to bear directly upon my cancer .
22 Bought that for me did n't I ?
23 This for him came to symbolize the futility of the war , which seemed to be fought for no discernible purpose , between opponents whose essential common humanity was denied by the mass slaughter .
24 This for him highlighted both the frightfulness of war and the ineptitude of the governing classes .
25 IN THE Estonian-Latvian twin city of Valga-Valka , nobody is really clear about who started building the new ‘ Berlin Wall ’ that now divides it .
26 He was clearly embarrassed about what had occurred , but at first was unwilling to say much about what had happened .
27 Apart from the temperature in my suite being a little too high for someone used to Low Birk Hatt , the entire experience was truly a once-in-a-lifetime thing .
28 Little by little everything that was most English about her had been eroded and all she had left of it was her honesty , her natural courtesy and a slight reserve she could not entirely eliminate .
29 Something unpushable about him had made Davies hesitate , and he 'd been all right , there had been nothing to fear ; he and Davies were friends now .
30 Accreditation is planned for May 1993 after which approved organisations will begin the delivery of MCI .
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