Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 George Birkitt got lazy about learning his lines too .
2 They are hesitant about calling their sense of vocation as being in any way visionary .
3 ‘ The Editor ’ , he blandly explained , ‘ can not be called dishonest for making his author speak what he believes , with more knowledge , the author would have said . ’
4 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
5 He was already depressed about losing his £200,000-a-year job and had written a suicide note to his wife five days before the tragedy .
6 I know David was very upset about losing his job .
7 However , do remember that if suppleness exercise is done without it inducing heavier breathing and an increased heart-rate ( for example , yoga ) this will do very little for increasing your stamina .
8 In Norman Nicholson 's Lake District anthology , he is sensibly clear-headed about including his own work where he thinks it is useful .
9 Experience of starting groups in other parishes has shown that men are very shy about offering their services but some of our handicapped friends are men , and some of them are very physically handicapped , so we need some strong people in each group .
10 They were feeding young , but were rather shy about having their photograph taken .
11 Mr Powell , of course , has not been notably shy about declaring his belief that it is black people who are at the root of the decline and fall of the ‘ British way of life ’ .
12 I felt guilty for challenging his motives and , even though a tiny corner of my mind was hearing an imaginary Ellen scoff at my naïvety , I believed the senator 's sudden and passionate sincerity .
13 Parents feel betrayed because their children have caused them so much worry and , later on , children often feel guilty for upsetting their parents so much .
14 ‘ We know that , ’ Mrs Wormwood said , ratty about missing her programme .
15 On his last day , feeling a little guilty about sending his wife out shopping , he said , ‘ ’ There 's no need to go shopping today , love , I notice you have a nice bit of boiled ham in the fridge , I 'll have that with a few tomatoes . ' ’
16 But an even greater cause for resentment is that she may feel guilty about meeting her friends or pursuing her usual weekday activities unless her partner is also busy .
17 Nationalist , they blame Labour for that for taking their votes away , mm
18 FRANCIS Maude may feel sore about losing his seat and his job at the Treasury , but not for long .
19 It is extraordinary how a nation so characterised by class difference should still be so timid about immortalising its own class struggles in place names .
20 I was feeling very upset after having my handbag stolen in a large hotel in Liverpool .
21 COMMERCIAL Union , one of the big five insurance groups , stuck to its slogan , ‘ We do n't make a drama out of a crisis ’ , yesterday and promised business as usual after losing its headquarters in the explosion .
22 He was said to have been depressed after sitting his first exam … and apparently left a suicide note in his room .
23 Whereas somebody who is employed by the firm might be very worried about doing because they 're more bothered about keeping their job .
24 Erm I mean just going very , very briefly back to the question that you asked erm about this how would you stop what 's happen happening is by having , we would have thought a pensioner trustee , because even the question has been asked how did it get through the union trustees , and the answer that most of them are employed and they are looking over their shoulder because jobs are going , redundancies are being made , you 've got a pensioner employee er a pensioner trustee on there , and they 're not looking over their shoulder for their job , they are going to do the job of a trustee and watch the fund and they would then be able to go to the regulator if they saw something that was amiss , but if somebody is employed by the firm might be very worried about doing because they 're more bothered about keeping their job .
25 Parents sometimes feel embarrassed about describing their child 's problems in front of the child , so asking the child first why he or she thinks they have come to the clinic can open the discussion .
26 For example some mothers feel very embarrassed about reprimanding their child or dealing with a tantrum in public and so the child rapidly learns that a tantrum could produce sweets if enough fuss is created ( McAuley and McAuley 1977 ) .
27 Some people become panicky about losing their looks , their youth .
28 In presenting ideas of the school or movement , however , you will need to be careful about distinguishing your own words from your paraphrase of the positions you are representing .
29 ( By moving up from the level of salesman in his insurance company , he 'd sacrificed a firm 's car and was rather careful about using his own . )
30 A Merseyside Police spokesman said : ‘ People should be careful about leaving their doors open in warm weather while they are busy elsewhere in their homes .
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