Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How old that makes me sound . ’
2 If young attachés were unpaid this made it more difficult to treat them as cogs in a bureaucratic machine .
3 ‘ And is that supposed to make me feel better ? ’
4 erm I think perhaps we were on erm traffic management generally , you mentioned Howard Street and Magdalen Street , which you all know you know has always been a bone of contention amongst the Conservatives erm they spent two hundred thousand on it and they now want another two hundred and fifty thousand to make it permanent , and so on and so forth .
5 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
6 Perhaps all that makes it easier to understand why Orwell was so anxious that Waugh should read his books : anxious enough to send him copies , though to a stranger .
7 All this made me feel very much better and I immediately wrote my name up on the wall .
8 All this made me wonder what class of people were involved in the production .
9 It was also suggested that the Board had insufficient knowledge of the Highlands and all this made it difficult for them to act correctly .
10 But all these things that we have been discussing — rediscoveries in the history of art , changes in taste , etc — all this makes me wonder .
11 All this makes it difficult for the Tories to mount a convincing assault on Labour 's drastic plans for Politically Correct social engineering .
12 All this makes it evident and indisputable that the compiler of PS did not understand the finer points of trust wordings : for he announces that the wordings he quotes are ones in which the settlor addresses the beneficiary .
13 All this makes it unlikely that the alliance ante-dated 440 , when Corinth , for whatever reason , voted against war with Athens over Samos ( p. 46 ) , i.e. when surface relations were still good .
14 All this makes it hard to see why Mycenaean Corinth was of no consequence ; the answer is probably just that , unlike Attica and the Argolid , it lay off the main routes of Mycenaean penetration .
15 His prose too is highly mannered in both his Latin and his English treatises ; it calls attention to itself and to the writer in striking contrast to the calm , lucid prose of our other mystics , who are all careful to make it clear that their word is not law but only their own opinion .
16 I 've lots of ideas for these , but as they are all quick to make I 've left them for next month when you have finished your special presents and they are neatly folded and packed away in all their glory of tissue paper and gold and silver ribbons .
17 The increased range and penetration of government activity , the tendency for specialised administrative departments to function with little political control , the growing complexity in the affairs of trade unions and other voluntary organisations which led to greater dependence upon professional experts — all these made it imperative that the general public should be better informed than ever before .
18 The growth of cross border mergers , the increasingly free capital movements and the completion of the Single European Market in 1992 all make it essential that an effective EC merger policy is devised .
19 With the exception of Sandy Lyle and Colin Montgomerie , the other five still all made it with varying degrees of comfort into the final 36 holes .
20 The Court was surprised that those suggestions should have been made , and the Court owed it to its members and to all concerned to make it clear that no attempt had been made by anyone directly or indirectly , otherwise than in open court , to influence its decision .
21 And not a technical matter but a policy matter , I think that the probabilities of it doing that could be er increased by traffic calming measures on the A sixty one to make it take longer to go through Harrogate that way .
22 In retrospect the most important event of 1986 may have been the conception of the new Networker train , filling a vital gap price and quality wise , at long last making it possible for NSE to plan systematic replacement of old EMUs .
23 Cheers Marjie , that 's what the people say , Oh Marjie , how many memories have you Marjie , Some sad , some glad , some more that made you real mad , But all in all , what an interesting career you 've had , Oh Marjie keep healthy , happy and without fail writing too For without your good advice , life is a little less nice Marjie , the very best to you . ’
24 How much more that makes us aware of our duty to safeguard the world .
25 Despite this , an intrepid few made it from the continent , including examples from France , Holland , although the star of the event was from much further afield — half-way around the world .
26 ‘ You ca n't imagine how pleased that makes me feel , mus . ’
27 ‘ I ca n't tell you how pleased this makes me . ’
28 Life 's a nightmare unless you can laugh , and it 's not use documenting the down side of reality unless you can smile , dance and live enough to make it all worthwhile .
29 Movies also pulled in big audiences with ITV 's Saturday night showing of Three Men And A Baby in February attracting 18.3 million to make it the most popular film at No 11 .
30 What do they have in common that makes them material substances ?
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