Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [is] quite " in BNC.

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1 That that that 's quite acceptable .
2 So that 'd no that that 's quite alright .
3 So er that that 's quite amazing there was n't even more mistakes like that made .
4 This latter is quite an important point , because although it may not be immediately obvious , a deposit which consists only of large particles can be just as well-sorted as one which consists only of small ones .
5 I expect young people of today would rate the fair rides of the early 1920 's quite tame affairs .
6 It 's all this his colours and these that 's quite nice .
7 As a parody of fringe theatre at its worst , all this is quite funny , but Harwood is trying to have his cake and eat it too .
8 All this is quite generally true , it applies equally to motor skills , perceptual skills and social skills .
9 Twenty-five thousand is quite a lot of money , ’ he pointed out .
10 Though at first this is quite hard to do , it does come with constant practice .
11 It was a fundamental reorganisation , because fourteen private companies working in rivalry with one another is quite a different thing from fourteen companies being merged into a single corporation with a single objective .
12 The non-assertive character of the first three is quite obvious : the conditional clause leaves the actualization of dare up in the air in ( 31 ) ; ( 32 ) implies " she did n't dare ignore him any more than that " ; ( 33 ) is a sort of indignant rhetorical question implying that he should n't have dared take the native 's part against her .
13 Hundred and sixty a hundred and seventy two that 's quite high is n't it ?
14 Motion three two three is quite right to criticize the blatantly political proposal to remove the May Day holiday which would leave the U K as one of the few civilized countries without a day to acknowledge the labour movement .
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