Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] come " in BNC.

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1 Well you do n't count I hate you whenever that bloody face comes up like
2 Stirling accelerated and immediately a loud screaming noise came from the front of the vehicle .
3 That awful doubt came at him again .
4 The sole outstanding feature comes in Richard Suart 's scintillating interpretation of the two chief comic roles .
5 Erm , if we are asking Mr to look at the long-term viability and the ways of preserving that , those options may be other than option one which was what you moved , and I think it 's rather premature to actually go down a road that says we preserve it in it 's present form with some disposals , when , we are asking for a report for it 's future viability , which may mean complete disposal , or may not , and I think , that , that 's why I 've seconded Mr 's amendment , because it 's right we should wait for that that report to come to property , know the full facts , and then we can make a decision as to which option we want for the County Farms estate .
6 If European political union comes about , he will undoubtedly be right .
7 After a few days had passed , an old woman was walking from the Doon bridge into Alloway village and passing the partially ruined Kirk Alloway , when she heard a loud bellowing sound coming from the church .
8 I know some of the potential problems with microchip circuitry , and that high reliability comes very expensive .
9 From that social stratum come the brains of the Labour Party and its middle-class infrastructure .
10 When the right hon. Gentleman came to that office , he had the opportunity to grasp the nettle of prison reform .
11 As my hon. Friend has pointed out , the right hon. Gentleman came with a crucial piece of information — the front page of the News of the World .
12 You will remember that on the occasion of the first valleys initiative statement we had to raise many points with you in order to persuade the right Hon. Gentleman to come here 24 hours after he had made a statement in Wales .
13 How has my right hon. Friend come to judge the weight of opinion between those who wish to stay but to move forward into an area of ever better care in those hospitals against those who want a move into a future of some uncertainty ?
14 The largest sectoral rise came from the independent fund managers where funds rose 30 per cent to £31.7 billion by the end of 1992 .
15 He looked himself and saw a tall old woman coming towards them .
16 Her bad-mannered English side coming out .
17 Foreign contributions already received amounted to over $46,000 million and the total foreign commitment came to $54,000 million , with 96 per cent of the outstanding amount being due from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait , already the largest contributors with payments of $12,700 million and $12,500 million respectively .
18 In their wake , French economic life came to be characterized by market integration , specialization and commercialization in farming methods instead of subsistence polyculture , and intensified competition between the regions .
19 However , until it can be properly established how this striking image came into being , the mystery will not be completely solved .
20 Ah , I was so angry , I was , he had my arm right , I forced , pushed him back it was , like , behind my back so I lent back thinking oh he 'll give me his arms then anyway old flipping hag came in did n't she !
21 Half that amount comes from Yorkshire pits .
22 oh this awful pain coming I ca n't , move my arm and right side which is the side it hurts , and it goes all up here and it really hurt me to wash my hair , to bend over and wash my hair this morning cos she said
23 This regional structure came about by accident rather than design .
24 The ozone layer is located at an average height of 12 kilometres above the earth 's surface an it screens us from 99% of the harmful ultra-violet radiation coming from the sun .
25 The second point is that of course as we accept into the role of opposition indeed to give these alternative proposals , give this particulary case to come within the government guidelines .
26 Well I ca n't pretend that this doctoring business came as a total surprise .
27 Talk about your feelings with them and that will help you decide if you 're going to need some professional help to come through this experience which is very common and in which you can be helped , no matter what you may feel at the time .
28 This strange gentleman came round who was wearing a sort of baseball cap like all my Canadians were .
29 But across this political work came another interest .
30 Well , I sat in that room and saw this fantastic-looking man come through the door and I just did n't believe it .
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