Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] people [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very interesting watching people move round an exhibition .
2 How much did people pay for secondhand books ?
3 The three grown people stand looking down on the sleeping infant whose soft breathing seems to have spread the tawny bloom over its ivory skin .
4 ‘ It 's hard to help people accept that their lives have changed beyond recognition . ’
5 It is unprecedented to deny people benefit by means of a statutory instrument tabled and coming into force when the House is not sitting .
6 It was gratifying to have people shake her hand who once would n't have given her the time of day , and when she walked through the dreary rooms where evidence of the late Adelaide Morey still abounded she had trouble convincing herself that she was now the mistress here .
7 I turned my head away then , because Mum always said it was n't decent to watch people undress .
8 ( Or were some people very quiet ? ) 4 Did people listen to what other people were saying ? 5 Did everyone understand clearly what they had to do ? 6 How did the group agree on its answer ? 7 How did everyone feel about the answer that was agreed ? 8 Was it an equal group , or did someone act as a boss ?
9 Ace had actually understood some time ago , but if there was one lesson that she would take away gladly from her time with the Doctor , it was that it was better to have people underestimate your abilities than overestimate them .
10 All thinking people know income tax is the biggest disincentive to work ever invented .
11 A pre-smog public awareness campaign is important to ensure people have been forewarned of what actions to take if a smog alert is issued ( figure 7.9 ) .
12 Now both rescued people believe he saved their lives .
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