Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] them down " in BNC.

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1 One of the oddities of the situation since her ‘ descent ’ was that most of her clothes had remained in the cupboards upstairs , she had felt unable to go and fetch them , and evidently the other two had felt too embarrassed to carry them down , or perhaps had simply not noticed the problem .
2 For example , if a customer needs an altimeter , PAS can supply the complete article , but if a customer needs just part of the instrument , they are willing to break them down into component form to ensure that the customer gets just what he wants .
3 What really we thought was the idea of this to pin them down into er in who was doing it and when .
4 No willing brings them down
5 Initially this new German ‘ victory ’ weapon proved unnerving but before long it became possible for the ‘ V1s ’ to be intercepted by fighter aircraft over the sea , although their speed was a problem , but by moving the bulk of the anti-aircraft artillery units to the Isle of Wight and along the southern coastline of England , it was possible to shoot them down before they reached the London area .
6 I shall be interested to hear any arguments in favour of that proposal , for it would be easy to knock them down .
7 Is it very unusual to see them down here ?
8 Time a week or so after christmas has come you 're you 're glad to get them down and out the way .
9 But the educated kick them down out of sheer culture .
10 Since playgrounds give our children so much , it 's a great shame that in many areas , the old playparks are being allowed to run down until they 're in such a bad state that it 's easier and cheaper to knock them down and build a carpark than try to make them safe .
11 And although always implied rather than broadcast , this rejection of intellectualism is so well understood throughout the service that it has even affected those to whom Bramshill scholarships to University have been offered , and many turn them down .
12 She felt dreadfully guilty letting them down about the Rome and Athens trip , but even that they smoothed over , told her not to worry .
13 Terror terror terror — I hate hate hate dreams — no I do n't , I hate hate hate not being able to write them down .
14 ( It is important to write them down , rather than merely think about them .
15 Well we 've fortunately been able to track them down to the waxes which er occur on land so what we 're seeing here is a , an input from the land carried on the dusts which are blown in the winds from the Sahara and other regions out into the Atlantic Ocean .
16 We just do n't seem to be able to track them down or attract them in quite the same way , so there is a massive practical problem if you want them to have a voice in how things are done , there 's no doubt about that .
17 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
18 Out here , he was only Bernard Curtis , citizen , with no authority to chase and apprehend anyone , let alone gun them down .
19 At first people thought that particles of light traveled infinitely fast , so gravity would not have been able to slow them down , but the discovery by Roemer that light travels at a finite speed meant that gravity might have an important effect .
20 I 've taken suspects to the police station when I have n't been able to break them down , and I 've told my inspector exactly what 's happened , he 's got the whole picture and then he 's closed the door and called the man in , closed the door .
21 You may be able to get them down today .
22 Well I 'll be able to take them down in a minute .
23 So I mean you stick those on them and er and er they wo n't be able to cut them down .
24 I said I wanted him to meet my Somerville friend , who , with a fellow-student , was by pre-arrangement sitting on an inner windowsill , from which with an air of spontaneity I was able to summon them down .
25 The problem is that at first the words are coming so fast it is difficult to write them down , so you really need a helper .
26 It is to be noted that the starred numbers in Table 1 do not need to be calculated , though it is convenient to write them down .
27 So it 's difficult to put them down on paper ?
28 and all that ruddy stuff , , I knew she 'd come along and put all , use to be a , he was the R S A man for the Signals and old Reggie , he was another R S A , he was headquarters company and old was in the cable laid section for people you know , came loose , I was walking through the shed and these two , I saw these two put them down , and I thought what the hell are you doing here ?
29 ‘ We do our best to hunt them down , but eventually accept defeat , ’ says Chris Henderson , who helps edit the biennial volume from Beckenham , Kent .
30 We are told that foxes are vermin and it is necessary to hunt them down .
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