Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] been take " in BNC.

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1 Each of these factors can , and usually does , act as a limiting factor , so that when each has been taken into account the major decision may be reasonably clear , even if not conclusive .
2 At the Great Parndon Neighbourhood Committee members requested that our building control service being used er , the developers throughout the scheme , and that has been taken on board and Moat are perfectly happy for that to happen .
3 This has been taken to mean that teaching children together with the aid of a definite programme to reduce prejudice would not work , thus invalidating any proposed integration of schooling .
4 ‘ I am fully aware of the infant 's need for a permanent mother figure , and this has been taken into account .
5 This has been taken into account in compiling The Instant Calorie and Fibre Chart , too .
6 Again , this has been taken up in this country with workshops on ‘ PASS ’ and ‘ PASSING ’ being widely networked largely through the energies of CMHERA .
7 It allows that some definitions will be of greater ‘ priority and intensity ’ than others and this has been taken to imply that the definitions will differ in their subjective interpretation by those who receive them ( see Taylor , Walton and Young , 1973 ) .
8 In a variety of ways these rights were re-interpreted from the later 1940s and this has been taken as an indication that ‘ duty ’ remains the norm as ‘ Japanese business has still not accepted a union 's right to speak for its members ’ ( Halliday 1975 p.221 ) .
9 This always offers an opportunity for someone to attempt to see these serious conflagrations in a wider context , and this has been taken by Dr Grace Simpson as evidence of an uprising of the tribes of Wales ( Simpson , 1964 ) , although the archaeological support from other sites is very tenuous .
10 As the frequency of such twins , and the sex ratio , are thought to depend partly on the levels of female sex hormone , this has been taken as evidence for a general decline in Western fecundity ( James 1980 , 1982 ) .
11 This has been taken as evidence for the manipulative view of animal communication seen in conflicts .
12 This has been taken out of the local economy in Notts .
13 It has become apparent on some of the issues , some of the comments that we made that was if I could call it the you 'll know what we 're talking about and I do n't if we are talking about the there was there was a point somewhere where talked about ing an increase or short of journey time along the ring road and this has been taken as I understand to be that we are setting out an increase of speed er traffic on the sections of road to a junction and that 's totally in force and it was either .
14 This has been taken away from them because the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , chose to freeze allowances in what is a backdoor income tax increase .
15 In this , the role of delaying syntax is to postpone the interpretation of one structure until another has been taken in , so that they ultimately make sense as a whole rather than in sequence .
16 Outside the party the syndicalists had formed a " Left " of the unions and this had been taken over to some extent by the Communist Party of Great Britain , founded in 1920 .
17 The British had been taken to the cleaners because foolish politicians in post-war Britain had elected to produce sociologists instead of engineers , and the predictable end result was that Britain had been short on wealth creators and long on spenders .
18 Madam Deputy Speaker I re read in the newspapers today that there has been s some criticism er that the matters such as this have been taken on the floor of the house .
19 ( 1 ) that there should be fair distribution between geographical areas , so that , in any year , where possible one school should be included from each of the eight ( now six ) educational administrative areas ( 2 ) that in any year , project schools should comprise a mix of schools in terms of the degree to which educational initiatives of one sort or another have been taken , the socioeconomic environment , philosophies of grouping , pedagogy etc .
20 Of these , 44 had been taking delayed release mesalazine as the sole maintenance treatment for at least six months .
21 Too much had been taken from the ethos of the boys ' schools , including blazers and ties , which are hangovers from male attire of the Edwardian era .
22 Ruth 's thoughts flinched from what it must feel like to be Fand — she seemed hardly to exist , so much had been taken from her .
23 His foresight in writing this was valuable , for the Golf Illustrated article was likely to have been taken at face value owing to the absence of any information to the contrary !
24 Later , a pair of heart-shaped sapphire earrings , also supposed to have been taken , were auctioned through Sotheby 's in Geneva .
25 In April 1943 Nazi German forces occupying the Smolensk area had disinterred what wartime and post-war international investigators concluded to be the remains of former Kozelsk camp inmates , who apparently in early 1940 had been taken to Katyn forest and shot .
26 The decision to support Iraq 's candidature for the League of Nations in 1932 had been taken before Humphrys 's arrival , but some misgivings were expressed about the lack of any guarantees for the Assyrian and Kurdish minorities after the transition to independence .
27 A little way on we came to another village , where some of the evicted had been taken in and given shelter .
28 Some 5,000 Western men remained trapped in Kuwait and Iraq , however , and there were reports confirming that some 500 of these had been taken as a " human shield " to sensitive installations [ see also above ] .
29 These have been taken down for conservation and it is hoped to replace them with copies .
30 ‘ People should be aware that these have been taken .
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