Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that what " in BNC.

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1 This meant that what the social scientist was doing in building up a picture of the political society was systematizing people 's conscious perceptions into a system .
2 Some argue that what is happening is a form of direct killing .
3 This means that what happened in imaginary time could be calculated .
4 This means that what appear to be a number of completely different particles at low energies are in fact found to be all the same type of particle , only in different states .
5 This means that what is true in one European country may not be even remotely true in another .
6 Some said that what was leaked was bad , some said it was too costly , and others confused these things with their feelings about BT service .
7 This suggests that what Mill may have meant in saying that one pleasure is of higher quality than another is that it may be pleasanter without there being a quantifiable relation between them , in terms of which there must be some amount of the second which is as worth while , in hedonic terms , as the first .
8 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
9 Does not that confirm that what we really need is a continuation of my right hon. Friend 's policies , not a regional assembly for Wales , which would be an unnecessary quango that would cost the people of Wales £1 million a week ?
10 The jury , however , does not ask whether the accused believed he was acting with the relevant state of mind , but under the Theft Acts as well as offences of fraud the jury must acquit if the accused believed that what he did was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
11 Firstly , it is difficult if not dangerous to argue that what happens in one case happens in all .
12 If even a radical liberal felt obliged to make such disavowals it may seem paradoxical to suggest that what was being discussed was , in fact , democracy .
13 Given this scenario one would have thought that it was clear for all to see that what is required are urgent steps to reduce the time , and opportunity for offending , between being apprehended for an offence and having that offence dealt with by the courts .
14 However , given that people 's personal valuation of environmental qualities ( such as the open countryside ) has tended to increase in proportion to the degree to which they are degraded through development , it is reasonable to assume that what may appear to be a net benefit to the present generation in a trade-off between the environment and a proposed development , is quite likely to be considered a net loss in retrospect by a future generation for whom the natural environment has become a more precious commodity .
15 However , given that people 's personal valuation of environmental qualities ( such as the open countryside ) has tended to increase in proportion to the degree to which they are degraded through development , it is reasonable to assume that what may appear to be a net benefit to the present generation in a trade-off between the environment and a proposed development , is quite likely to be considered a net loss in retrospect by a future generation for whom the natural environment has become a more precious commodity .
16 We all know that what he terms his ’ meandering ’ round private Bills has been responsible for a good deal of heartache and not a little management time in British Rail spent trying to meet some of his objections .
17 Many felt that what had happened may have been within the laws of the game but was certainly outside the spirit , and could have serious consequences for the rest of the tour .
18 Of one thing I am certain : I am sure we all agree that what has emerged over the last two years has exceeded our expectations .
19 But those who offer to define ‘ good ’ in this way do think it important to insist that what promotes this survival is good .
20 A person who was prosecuted for organising a public assembly contrary to section 14(4) or for taking part in such a gathering or inciting another to do so , would be able to argue that what he was involved in was not an unlawful assembly within the definition .
21 He is able to say that what he believes is true , and behind such a statement he has sure and sufficient reasons of which he is fully persuaded .
22 Had the allegation been less specific — had it referred only to " certain police officers in Oxfordshire " , for example — the Banbury officers would not have been able to prove that what was published related to them .
23 The salesperson first agrees that what the buyer is saying is sensible and reasonable , before then putting forward an alternative point of view .
24 Just as Newton was not the first to notice that what goes up must come down , so there were many groups of phenomena where conservation had been recognized long before Helmholtz .
25 We do n't ever REVIEW beta test software — there 's just too much that can change between us seeing early versions and the code being finalised , and that means that what you see reviewed might not be what you will buy .
26 To some extent , it is also intuitively satisfying to suggest that what one is talking about always comes before what one has to say about it .
27 Rachel knew , however , there was no point trying to explain that she was merely going with David to see her new friends from Conway House , because it looked as if her mother , together with Nina , Greg and all the others , had jumped to conclusions and were ready to believe that what was a perfectly innocent friendship had developed into something more .
28 It is tempting to think that what is being attempted is some sort of solar containment , trapping the power of the sun and storing for energy .
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