Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] to make " in BNC.

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1 We 're seeing the end of a long period of Cold War which effectively the West have won because they have kept their defences up , er and I think as Tom King , he was out here last week , has said we need to keep a strong force here to make sure that the Soviets keep their side of the bargain and er start a withdrawal at some stage .
2 Jane Newdick 's recently published book , Period Flowers , draws on inspiration from medieval times onwards to make inspiring flower arrangements great and small .
3 Downstairs the ten-year-old and the eight-year-old are quietly occupied in running three of the old dungeons together to make a games room .
4 We made a very definite decision some years ago to make the Gardener Centre look towards the community as a whole , rather than just make it a university toy , or part of the formal academic programme .
5 She would have no trouble catching him on paper , but she took some photographs just to make sure .
6 At 16 years and two months , the Redcar-born Jarvis was the youngest player ever to make his debut for the once all-powerful county .
7 If demand is higher than expected , can I object if the manufacturer asks another producer also to make the same product ?
8 Other things to think about when you 're identifying training alright a handout for you identifying training needs at this stage just to make sure that ya the are still out .
9 The sudden , unexpected appearance of the bright blue tongue of this skink may startle an approaching predator sufficiently to make it think twice about attacking .
10 Erm I think really it did n't say anything very constructive because it seems to me that the local council county council has n't grasped the nettle and got all the private contractors together to make a reasonable service .
11 They revisited six months later to make further observations .
12 And , and er then that midwife would po call and see them perhaps one well they call at six months just to make sure ev ev everything was alright .
13 Nothing has happened since I came here 10 months ago to make me change my mind that this is the biggest club left in Britain .
14 But the main difficulty was that if compensation were paid out on this ‘ once for all ’ basis , ‘ it would be exceedingly difficult for any future government ever to make radical changes in the financial provisions , however badly they were working .
15 We have to put as much pressure now to make sure the rugby club do not sell , ’ she said .
16 Erm , it 's very important that we find a joint way forward to make sure that whatever the future of local government is in this county , there is an effi effective and efficient purchasing erm , er service me who did the moving .
17 John agreed to check that there are n't any more problems with our membership with John at central office just to make sure that we 're all sorted .
18 Such information allows them to plan ahead , using data from the previous period perhaps to make corrections after the next pass of the satellite over Chilton .
19 Gerald Crawford , spokesman for the FCC , rejected the criticism , saying procedures had been changed three years ago to make sure confiscated nets were not passed back to poachers .
20 Once they 'd moved in , it took them three years just to make the necessary structural changes , but with a neglected 350-year-old house that was to be expected .
21 Another parliamentary colleague consistently to make the connection between Britain 's economic policies and the European morass into which she is in danger of sinking is Nicholas Budgen , Member for Wolverhampton .
22 The rabbit is thrown down white belly upwards to make it more visible during collection later .
23 This can be a good opportunity also to make the final consumer curious . ’
24 The Germans have long made a national sport of running long words together to make longer ones ; as have the Irish , eg in place names like Newtonabbey , Maguiresbridge and Patrickswell .
25 like sixty quid just to make a logo that we can do ourselves .
26 We need to see teaching , therefore , not as the transmission of pre-existing knowledge to passive recipients , but rather as the provision of opportunities for children to continue to exercise their in-built drive actively to make sense of their experience and , thereby , to gain understanding of , and control over , the world in which they live .
27 Check all toys carefully to make sure that they do not have sharp edges .
28 Out half Ian Wray kicked 11 points just to make sure .
29 In other words , the true date lies between TL 1080 and 1240 , with 95 per cent confidence , clearly demonstrating that the third alternative holds : the daub is broadly contemporary with the backfilling of the drain and coincides with clearance of buildings in the eleventh century AD to make way for the building of the priory church .
30 Madam Chairman if I may just make a comment of concern that information was not , on this point was not forthcoming to the county councillors of that area perhaps to make er give them an opportunity to make comment prior to you so you could make this delegated action .
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